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First telescope advice

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I am looking to buy a cheap telescope I can use with the kids (4 years and 2 years old).

My budget is around £50 as then if they end up breaking it I will not go too pale!

Just need something for them to wow at the craters on the moon, saturn's rings etc. I guess.

I have seen good reviews for the infinity 76p...the celestron 76 looks to be a very different type but in the same price bracket...or am I better off spending a bit more? I have seen the skywatcher heritage 100 mentioned on here?

Any advice gratefully received!


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welcome Duncan,

if i was you i`d go for something like a skywatcher 130, bit more than your budget around £200 new but also look at the second hand market where you can get some money off as people upgrade, these are light scopes but give great views of the moon, jupiter, saturn and so on.

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Hi Duncan,

Welcome to SGL. I'm only a beginner myself but with a ~£50 budget you might be better off considering a pair of binoculars. They're more versatile than a scope and equally as capable in that price bracket. Take a look at the First Light Optics and Telescope House websites and see what's available in your price bracket then check out any reviews before making your choice.


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Hi, this is on Astro buy sell at not much over your budget and not too far from you (I think)


Another alternative would be this from FLO.


A fairly bullet proof little refractor on a particularly sturdy mount for the size of the scope. It will also double up as a terrestial spotter if the astro bug wanes!

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Hi Duncan

With children that small, I would NOT go for anything bigger than what you can stand on a table, or in the window sill, like what you mentioned, the Infinity 76p or the Skywatcher heritage 100.

My reasoning:

Your children will never be able to look in anything taller than app. ½meter, and will for sertain topple it over some time in the near future.

If I should recomend one I would go for the Infinity, I have read somewhere that it is very robust.

Anyway that is just my opinion.

Clear skies


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