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14mm eyepiece recommendations


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I have a requirement for a 14mm eyepiece. Aside from the Radian, and the Pentax and my own desire for an NLV which unfort only comes in a 15, are there any others that people would stand by that I may have missed? I realise that there are some  gems out there from fairly esoteric makes that may not be as fashionable but provide a nice view.

They will be used in an f5.9Dob, and an f11.4 refractor on alt az unguided mount. The stipulations are not heavy, 1.25" and eye relief of at least 15mm and afov of 50 deg minimum. The weight should be no more than 250g.

Now that has narrowed down the list considerably from the list of already fairly scarce 14mm oculars....and let us just leave out the Televue plossl 15mm also for the time being....as we know they *will* be recommended. :)


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I'm very impressed by my 14mm Delos, purchased with a C11 and giving x200 on that scope.

In retrospect though, I've found myself wondering whether at that sort of focal length a Leica Vario 8.9-17 might not have been a better deal long term.

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I'm very impressed by my 14mm Delos, purchased with a C11 and giving x200 on that scope.

In retrospect though, I've found myself wondering whether at that sort of focal length a Leica Vario 8.9-17 might not have been a better deal long term.

I've not look through a Delos, but from the little time I've had with Leica zoom, and the reviews from other forum, the zoom seems to be a very good alternative to a number of high end eye pieces.

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The ES is interesting, and you are right, they do get a lot of good press. More research on that I think.

However, the Delos is too heavy, despite it's pedigree. The ES just about scraps in by over 9 grams.

Hyperions, anecdotally, seem to split opinion. Plus it is heavy again and to get 14mm I would require both tuning rings fitted the 21mm IIRC.

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I've not look through a Delos, but from the little time I've had with Leica zoom, and the reviews from other forum, the zoom seems to be a very good alternative to a number of high end eye pieces.

Yep. I was pretty happy with my existing collection for the TV101 but since getting the C11 I've been thinking I need a bunch more eyepieces, or the Leica zoom.

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There is a Meade 14mm UWA. I've not tried that one but I have had the 8.8mm and it was optically very good, if the 14mm is the same it could be considered. Or the Maxvision version of the same if still available.

I use the Pentax XW myself and love it. It is a shame the Delos is too heavy as that would be the only other one I would consider, but then my scope is f/4.7 so probably more demanding.

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As you state an eye relief  of at least 15mm,  the meade, es types will be borderline - whatever the official line is stated - along with the 15 tv plssl - only around 10mm of relief.  I can't think of any other than you have suggested.   Maybe place a wanted ad for them and see if one comes along.


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Sorry that I missed the ER 15mm requirement.

It's seems you'll have a difficult time to find an EP meet all your criteria (15mm+ ER, less than 250gram, 50 deg+ FOV),  ES 14mm 82 deg will be 6 gram too heavy, while radian 14mm will be a little more heavier (though I can find the weight for that, only see that 3mm Radian weighs 350g, assuming that 14mm should be a little lighter), Pentax will be nearly 400g.

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M0rt how about one of these,@ 6oz http://www.telescope.com/Accessories/Telescope-Eyepieces/145mm-Orion-Edge-On-Planetary-Eyepiece/c/3/sc/47/p/8887.uts?ensembleId=68 , http://www.telescopes.com/telescope-eyepieces/125-inch-eyepieces/zhumelllongeyereliefeyepieces.cfm .I have a Stellarvue version @ 4.9mm and is pretty good,great on Saturn etc.I think they are GSO eyepieces,the Zhumell version @ $44.00 is a good price.I have NOT looked through these however,my version is good in my F 4.8 dob,coming close to more expensive EP's I own

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Thanks to all of you who have replied.

This was the reason for my post - by putting all these requirements in (which, apart from the 15mm, the NLV more than meets) the idea was maybe there were some things out there that I had not considered - there is a wealth of experience and sage advice on SGL; be daft not to tap it. The weight was more of a target. 9g over 250 for the ES isn't a major problem. 400 plus in an eyepiece is. The Radian is doable at its weight, just, but start to add the barlow and it possibly becomes unwieldy in my setup. Along with the ER being around 15 plus means that I can have a comfortable viewing session. I have annoyingly long lashes which means that 15mm or less starts to flick the lens if I am not careful. Plus, if I do keep my glasses on (sharing with someone with decent eyesight means don't have to adjust focus etc) it allows me to have that option.

The ES - I need to do a bit more research on that. I am not so bothered about being pin sharp to the edge @ 82 degs, I am with Holgar Merlitz on that...as long as it is sharp and contrasty across the 60 deg field with decent colouration, the extra is just a nice way to frame your subject imho. You can't see as clear to the edges anyway if you are looking centrally, but it helps with location and, lets face it, does let you feel closer to the sky!

The Denkmeier - I had seen that crop up before. I also saw that cloudynights review and it is quite a recommendation. The price is getting into wince territory, but if I can't be satisfied with any of the others so far, and I really want the 14mm over the 15, then it will have to happen. :)

Jetstream - nice find. Also at a price which makes it a nice to try and move it on if I wish without any hassle.

So far my list is (in no particular order):

Radian 14mm (Some say not as contrasty as its reputation)

NLV 15mm (15mm, not a complete deal breaker but 14mm makes more sense...)

ES 14mm 82 (interesting - I can't see it NOT being as sharp as a 50 deg eyepiece over the same field area)

Denkmeier - tbh price aside, this is a no brainer.

The Pentax XW  and TV Delos 14mm. Again weightier, but a damn fine eyepieces.

Jetstreams recommendation - tbh would be rude not to try I think. ok, 14.5 mm but still closer than 15mm. Trying to find weight, but I can't see it being more than 300g. I might get the Long Perng anyway just to see how they are as eyepieces.

Narrowing this down, the contenders really are:

The Denkmeier.

The NLV or Radian if one came up before I pressed the button

The ES

I am going to locate LP based eyepiece anyway just to sate my curiousity.

Cheers so far, people.

PS - just found this http://www.cloudynights.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/4086526/Main/4085570 which is also useful. Someone else rates the Denkmeier very highly indeed...

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"Radian 14mm (Some say not as contrasty as its reputation)" - actually scrub that comment about Radians, I found the reverse also said.

Having owned their plossls, Panoptics Nagler and Ethos eyepieces, I only recently got to own a couple of Tele Vue Radians and have found them excellent eyepieces. They seem to compare well with my Pentax XW's and Ethos so thats good enough for me  :smiley:

If you scour the web hard enough you can find negative feedback on virtually any eyepiece. If the overwhelming feedback on a piece of kit is good then it is worth considering I reckon. 

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Tis the weight with the Radian. The combined weight with the TV barlow would create a balance issue with the AZ and frac. My heaviest eyepiece to date, the 9mm series 5000 HD60 is the limit with the barlow @ approx 370 grams combined (Not that I will go to 200x with the frac often, if at all) which takes the Radian and barlow to nigh on half a kilo, but the 14mm is a sweet spot that would yield 65 and 130. Both very usable mags.

I am finding it increasingly between the 15mm NLV and the Denkmeier. If a used NLV came up now, I would pounce and that would be the end of my indecision.  If a used denkmeier was up @ the £200 mark (doubtful) then that would be snatched instantly. So really either a new NLV, or a used Denk are the top contenders. 

Sooo what are the odds that a Denkmeier will come up? Rare enough. What are the odds that one for around £200? Rarer still.

I think the NLV is going to win.

Scuse the thinking out loud.

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