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Performing surgery on 190MN

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Last night the wind lifted the roof off my roll-off roof observatory and dropped it back down in such a way that it knocked the scopes off the mount and onto the floor. My 190MN has a big dent in its side, and it's dislodged a ring that looks like it went round the inside of the tube - see photo. Fortunately, the mirror and corrector plate seem to be intact.

Has anybody taken one of these scopes apart? Any recommendations for the best way of going about it, or things to look out for when I do?

The roof's now back on, but it took three big lads to do it. It must have been one hell of a gust that shifted it!




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Ah, this damn windy weather causing havoc everywhere. Luckily I keep my scope inside, but my ''water-proof'' shed was very damp on the inside (counterweights and some tools got rusty) and because of the wind the bedroom window came off the hinge....happy days!!

As long as the optics are intact, this should be doable I guess.

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Hello Bob. Sorry to hear of your mishap, sounds like it could have been much worse. :eek:  The ring component that has come loose is one of the light baffles, it should be possible to remove the front cell containing the corrector which would allow you to reach in and reposition the baffle ring. If you do this, make sure you mark the orientation of the front cell.  :smiley:

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Sorry to hear about your damage!

I would, as has already been said, mark everything that you remove. At work I take photos on my phone at each stage of the disassembly process. You may think that you can remember how things came apart but you will be surprised at how quickly you forget when you are concentrating on something else!

When I took the corrector plate off of my C8 there were two cardboard shims; do you think I could remember where they were positioned around the tube!

Good luck and I hope everything works out okay and let's hope the Jet Stream moves back north very soon!

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Hello Bob. Sorry to hear of your mishap, sounds like it could have been much worse. :eek:  The ring component that has come loose is one of the light baffles, it should be possible to remove the front cell containing the corrector which would allow you to reach in and reposition the baffle ring. If you do this, make sure you mark the orientation of the front cell.  :smiley:

No need as the secondary comes out with it. Thus, the orientation is crystal clear. If it a baffle far down I would get the bottom assembly out instead and reach in that way. In that case you do need to mark the position of the assembly ;)


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Thanks all for the replies. I'm going to see if I can get anything on the home insurance - you never know, I might be lucky! I'll see what they say, and then have ago at taking it apart.

The annoying thing is that the roof on the shed wasn't clamped down. I'd got out of the habit, as it's so damn heavy I never thought it was going to go anywhere. The gales we had just before Christmas ripped the felt off one side of the roof, but never moved it a millimetre. Not so this time round. It is now fastened down at all corners, but sayings about horses and stable doors spring to mind :-)



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