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Thank God for clouds !


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Don't worry this isn't a post about religion! :grin:

I've always been a bit of a 'cup half full' type of person and all this bad weather we've been having in the UK has got me thinking....

If I lived in a part of the world with regular crystal clear skies and observing friendly conditions, would I truly appreciate it and get out under the stars all the time, or just take it for granted and become complacent?!?

I've decided (optimistically) that the UK weather actually helps to keep my interest in Astronomy alive. Since getting into this hobby a little over 2 years ago I've become somewhat of a fanatic when it comes to checking weather patterns and forecasting (usually badly) the weather in my area over the coming days.

Okay so it's frustrating (very, very frustrating at times) looking up night after night at nothing but grey clouds.......BUT the irony is that these conditions actually help make me appreciate the infrequent clear nights we get even more and ensure I use my scope whenever possible.

During the 5 mins I've been typing this post the wind has started howling outside and we've just had a sudden hail storm followed by torrential rain..... FANTASTIC! 

Roll on the next clear night :laugh:

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Don't worry this isn't a post about religion! :grin:

I've always been a bit of a 'cup half full' type of person and all this bad weather we've been having in the UK has got me thinking....

If I lived in a part of the world with regular crystal clear skies and observing friendly conditions, would I truly appreciate it and get out under the stars all the time, or just take it for granted and become complacent?!?

I've decided (optimistically) that the UK weather actually helps to keep my interest in Astronomy alive. Since getting into this hobby a little over 2 years ago I've become somewhat of a fanatic when it comes to checking weather patterns and forecasting (usually badly) the weather in my area over the coming days.

Okay so it's frustrating (very, very frustrating at times) looking up night after night at nothing but grey clouds.......BUT the irony is that these conditions actually help make me appreciate the infrequent clear nights we get even more and ensure I use my scope whenever possible.

During the 5 mins I've been typing this post the wind has started howling outside and we've just had a sudden hail storm followed by torrential rain..... FANTASTIC! 

Roll on the next clear night :laugh:

Thank god for dead people, makes me even more glad to be alive. LMAO at the things some people say!

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It's a bit like booking a holiday, it's something to look forward to,

if it was clear every night we would take it for granted, plus when

the weather is poor, then we have time to do the other things we

are supposed to do, that keeps the wife happy, but when we do

get a clear night sky, then we get that buzz, I stay out all night

without feeling tired, it's that feeling of actually getting a clear sky

that keeps you wanting more. 

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I have been racking my brains looking for the fallacy in your  argument and the biggest fallacy is that you're wrong :tongue:

Better top your glass up quickly before it runs out !! :grin:

I'll keep sipping away at mine..... :laugh:

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I understand what you mean Joe. I lived for many years in the Central Coast region of California, and took the great weather there for granted.  The fewer clear nights I've experienced here In Wales have given me a new appreciation for Observing, and I look forward to them with more enthusiasm than I did overseas.   :smile:

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It's a bit like booking a holiday, it's something to look forward to,

if it was clear every night we would take it for granted, plus when

the weather is poor, then we have time to do the other things we

are supposed to do, that keeps the wife happy, but when we do

get a clear night sky, then we get that buzz, I stay out all night

without feeling tired, it's that feeling of actually getting a clear sky

that keeps you wanting more. 

Precisely my point! Absence makes the heart grow fonder...

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I've lived under Uk skies and Australian skies. No contest, I'll take the Aussie ones every time :). To be able to say "oh, it's a bright moon tonight, don't think I'll bother"....Well, it's just lovely. And I don't think you appreciate it less, you're just a bit more picky with your conditions :)

I like your "glass 'alf full" attitude though :D

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