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you havnt stated your budget, but the best of the best are the tv powermates or the meade 5000 telextenders theses are brilliant and only amplifie the image leaving eyerelief the same you wouldnt no they were there, next up is tal, celestron ultima,orion shorty plus, and antares

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Only have experience of Televue Powermate, as stated above, has proved to be excellent both for astronomy and terrestrial use. You can also buy an adaptor which screws to the lens part of the Powermate to attach your camera via an appropriate T-Ring. They come in several magnifications. Expect to pay around £150 for 1.25" or £200 - £250 for 2".

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I'm not sure why you would be upgrading your barlow but not your eyepieces? The best barlow can only stop the image being degraded by not introducing new aberrations, it can't improve them ;). I'd far rather spend that £200 on better eyepieces if you're going to use the barlow visually :).

P.S. I don't use a barlow, I just don't get along with them

HTH :)

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I'm not sure why you would be upgrading your barlow but not your eyepieces? The best barlow can only stop the image being degraded by not introducing new aberrations, it can't improve them ;). I'd far rather spend that £200 on better eyepieces if you're going to use the barlow visually :).

P.S. I don't use a barlow, I just don't get along with them

HTH :)

Try a Powermate its not a Barlow as such http://www.televue.com/engine/TV3b_page.asp?id=53&Tab=_back#.UvdY5pWPLIU

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