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David Lukehurst Dobsonian

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Well done James, sounds like that scope is living up to expectations.

I don't really see colour even under dark skies with my 16", I 'may' have seen a slight green in M42 and I occasionally see differences in hue on Jupiter but only when the seeing is good, I'm not too bothered about my black and white eyesight though TBH. :)

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I was really happy to get out the City & do some observing on the Gower at the weekend.  Between the thin clouds I got some decent viewing in.  However the seeing was not exactly pristine !

To clarify further on the points made on observing color in the Orion Nebula.  I found no detection of color viewing this object under much darker skies (compared to my account above in a more light polluted area).  However contrast was markedly improved and therefore the extent of the structure was more pleasing.  A very pleasant view that I could have stared at for the whole evening. 

I on turning to Jupiter I was very happy to find Io on the brink of transit !  It was the first time I have witnessed a transit of Jupiter,  I mainly noted being fascinated by the clarity of the shadow on the surface of upper gas cloud surfaces.  It was very defined and the event seemed to fly by. 

I spent sometime looking at an open cluster (later looking it up and noting it to be M44 / Beehive cluster).  The view through the eyepiece was very pleasing, the defined points and variation in spectral types making up the cluster took me by surprise, this was a very memorable view I am going to revisit M44 much more often now I know where it is and a bit more about its age!  

I noted an urge for low power & wider views to open up the sky.  I really had an urge for scanning around taking in the views, but my current eyepieces are limited in this way at the moment.

I waited for the moon to rise (with Saturn in close '2 o clock' position to the moon).  The low position made for what many would call 'appalling seeing conditions' but I enjoyed looking at this moon for the very reason the seeing was appalling.  As it came up many shades of washed out orange & red were surprising and unusual compared to my past experiences.  The turbulence was violently shimmering and contorting the limb into every imaginable shape & anything but oval & circular.  The surface details were something that resembled the texture and disorientation of a Dali painting produced by natures artifacts.  Before packing up I turned the scope to Saturn to witness what it was doing in all this chaos.  With the image of the moon in mind I expected strange for sure and it was that for sure, a visual dance of contortions of an animated infinity sign in turmoil.  

What a strange session  :smiley:       

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