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Registax 6 - crazy paving problem?


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ok - I've just tried it and it fixes the problem - unfortunately I use the histogram tool in 6 a lot - the 5 version won't let me compress individual colour channels, is there a way of importing from v5 to v6 after I have done the wavelets in 5?

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I think AS!2 is generally better than Registax 5.1 and at least as good as v6 so I'd recommend using it instead.  However, there's no reason you couldn't stack in v5.1, save the stacked image as a TIFF without further processing and the load it into v6 for that.


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I think I have found a solution after browsing the internet. Use just one align point instead of the multitude that R6 allows- I have been over and re done some old stacks that previously crazy paved - it seems to work! 

(at the end of this post): 


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