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Small refractor+Ethos eyepiece OK combo?


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 I have a ZS 70ED and I like know if the Ethos eyepiece combination with this scope are good , if this have focus with the small focal lenght of the 70ED(420mm) and if the image overall is  brillinat, sharp and contrast , as the Ethos  have huge AFOV..

Worht the Ethos or may be a 82 degree AFOV less pricely have a good feeling also?

Thank you very much


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I do use Ethos eps in my TV76 and the results are excellent. I have them for a variety of scopes. Would I buy one specifically for a small scope? Not sure but if you do you won't be disappointed I'm sure.

One thing I do find with a 21 ethos in the 76 is that there is a fair amount of field curvature so the stars at the centre and edge do not focus at the same point. I bought a TS flattener and when positioned correctly it sorts it out. I think this is a normal problem with short focal length doublet refractors but it's only an issue with very widefield, long focal length eps.


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Hi Paco, I'm sure the combo of Ethos and your 70ED would give wonderful views.  

Some would be bothered by using very large eyepieces with a small telescope, could look a bit odd, others won't be the least worried by that.

You could also get great views from other TeleVue eyepieces, the Panoptics, Delos or Naglers won't disappoint, they have an excellent reputation because they are all very nice indeed.

All the best in your choice, Ed.

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I've seen a 13mm Ethos used with a PST solar telescope which has an aperture of just 40mm so it would work just fine with a 70mm. I use a 31mm Nagler (2.1 lbs) and a 21mm Ethos (2.2lbs) with my 4" F/6.5 refractor on the AZ-4 mount and the views are stunning under dark skies  :grin:

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You might have an issue with balance, depending on the kind of mount you use. On an equatorial mount you should be fine.

Can't see what difference having an EQ mount would make. It's more down to rigidity not type. A wobbly flimsy EQ mount and he'll have problems. A huge alt-az mount he won't.
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Can't see what difference having an EQ mount would make. It's more down to rigidity not type. A wobbly flimsy EQ mount and he'll have problems. A huge alt-az mount he won't.

...except if it's a single-arm/side mount type alt-az like a Giro or a Minitower, in which case the combination of an ultra-short, light scope and heavy eyepiece might move the balance point to somewhere not on the line of the dovetail,which in practical terms means that his scope will always be trying to rotate. I had a Megrez 72 with an Ethos eyepiece on a Giro mini - trust me on this one, An L-bracket might be the answer.

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Hi Paco .

I use TV Naglers and Panoptics in my Takahashi SKY90 to awesome results the views are so good I forget that I am only using 90mm of perfect Fluorite APO scope .

My mate has a full set of Ethos's (????) and the vierw are as good as the naglers , better on some objects around the southern milkyway but I am happy with what I have and as said balance can become an issue with small scopes and HUGE! eyepieces but they really perform well together .


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In a small refractor like the 70ED , what kind of focal lenght is more interesting :small or large ?

A 8 or 6mm or a 13, 21mm.. ?

Moreover, is similar the image compared with a giant binio?  Ahuge 100º AFOV  mono-ocular or 65º AFOV bino-ocular ? Similar in feeling?

All the best.

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In a small refractor like the 70ED , what kind of focal lenght is more interesting :small or large ?

A 8 or 6mm or a 13, 21mm.. ?

Moreover, is similar the image compared with a giant binio?  Ahuge 100º AFOV  mono-ocular or 65º AFOV bino-ocular ? Similar in feeling?

All the best.

Regarding focal length, depends what you are looking at as to what's best.

But for me, a scope like a short focus refractor does something no other scope can do - very low power and wide field, so if I had just one eyepiece it would be just that.

With my 70mm Pronto, I use a 27mm Panoptic, gives 18x and a 3.8 degree field, so that would be my single eyepiece choice.  A 21mm Ethos would be brilliant.......

Yes, it is like a bit like binocular viewing - low power / wide field - but with the option of shifting to a higher power, something that most binoculars don't do.

Don't forget that if using a diagonal, the image is left / right reversed.

Regards, Ed.

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