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Total Newbie who has made the classic error..


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Hi folks,

I have always been interested in the heavens - using nothing but the naked eye - well I have just bought my self a Nexstar 6SE.  Its sat in a box beside me.. looking at me.. threatening me should I ever decide to try and use it.

Well I have unpacked it and attached the orange tube to the feet.. and loaded the software onto my macbook.  

Looking outside since it arrived its been total cloud cover but hopefully i will get a clear night soon to wander into the garden and attempt to do something with it!

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Hi and welcome to SGL.

I cannot see what classic error you have made other than making it rain by buying astronomical equipment! :grin:

Take it slow, read all the instructions and have a look online at set-up guides etc. It's a good idea to have a plan at what you want to look at too. Stellarium is a good programme that you can download for free. Set your location in the menu and it will show you what will be visible from your location. You can then plan your evenings viewing. Saves wasting time when you do get clear skies!

Good luck with first light, I'm sure you will have many 'WOW' moments as you get to use your new scope.

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Now we know who to blame for all this cloud. Its a well known fact that UK cloud cover is directly proportional to astronomers' keeness to try out brand new kit. Just ask the Met Office. Well known fact.

Welcome to The Lounge!

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Don't worry Cyberstitch, I'm a total beginner and after 2 weeks I can raise a full overcast here just by rubbing my binoculars...    you won't have to keep buying telescopes.

Plus I'm developing a whole new second hobby - there's so much light pollution here in Blackpool I can watch the undersides of clouds at night!

As my 5yr old says..   "that one looks like a ephelant!"

I just hope I can find a DSO that looks a bit like a power ranger to maintain his interest.

(Welcome CS, will follow you with interest as I'm likely starting out with a quite similar setup)


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Don't fear the fear! Celestron SE scopes are pretty straightforward to use. Most common errors in set up are: forgetting to enter the date in US format (mm/dd/yy); getting daylight saving on/off as applicable; not levelling the mount. Also worth getting a Powertank or similar, as batteries run low quickly, and low voltage can cause the scope to act strangely.

Welcome, and good luck!

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Hi and welcome to the forum. One tip to remember when making astro purchases and that is to remember to order some cloud dispersal spray, it's fairly cheap and has had the added benefit of curing astro cabin fever!  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:

Clear skies soon and hope you enjoy forum


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Hi and welcome to the lounge,

there is a skills section in this months Sky at Night magazine,

it's how to set up an altaz go-to mount, it my be of some help,

plus it's quite a good magazine.

Good Luck and Clear Sky's

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