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Starting package - brain melting

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Thought I'd narrowed down to a Skywatcher Explorer 200P on the best equatorial mount to crop up used and in budget. (EQ5 minimum is what comes with)

Wife enthusiastic for me to go out and buy toys..  perfect.

Wife now so enthusiastic she'd like to have a go herself - suddenly needs to be GOTO setup as tho very smart she has no frustration tolerance at all, the patience of an onrushing landslide and will struggle with charts and hunting around for about 3 nanoseconds.

That means start of hobby together to divorce will be about 18 nanoseconds.

Mount now needs to work manually (for me to learn the essential skills) so Equatorial based rather than azimuth yet once I've set up needs press and point properly effective GOTO capability.

Wife cannot stand for long periods or bend and contort to find the eyepiece so what's the practicality of view through camera and laptop?


Budget is up - good news   ..with a longer wait time now looking at perhaps £1200-1500s budget for a full used setup.

Mount specs are now a very narrow target range.

8" reflector with good basic AP potential seemed like the tube for us.

Now need to consider wider range because package demands are focussed on the mount.

So many expensive goto packages but want at least same optical quality as the SW200P.

Please help

I'd been doing well but now my brain is melting and the stakes are real money.

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As you are in the UK.  FLO has this package: http://www.firstlightoptics.com/reflectors/skywatcher-explorer-200pds-heq5-pro.html

The HEQ5 Pro is a very good Mount and also suitable for long exposure Astro Photography, when you want to get into that later on.

This package is £1079,- . Then you still have about 400,- left for the necessary accessories, like a Cheshire Collimating eyepiece.http://www.firstlightoptics.com/other-collimation-tools/premium-cheshire-collimating-eyepiece.html

A Nice barlow lens (to up the magnification a bit when viewing planets) and maybe 1 or 2 Premium eyepieces, like Baader Hyperion (24mm and 8mm for example), which are excellent priced.

But, in my honest opinion. If Your wife has trouble standing for long periods of time. I would NOT go for a reflector, but rather go for either a Refractor or SCT.

Don´t understimate the size of the 200P and on a EQ Mount the eyepiece can end up in some uncomfortable Places!

You won´t have that problem With a reflector or SCT Scope.

With a Nice adjustable "astronomy" Chair she can sit behind the Scope comfortably.

You can contact FLO and ask for a good package deal on the Skywatcher Equinox 100ED Pro + HEQ5 Pro Mount. (I think I read yesterday in another topic on this forum that FLO has a good package deal for this one). If it´s too high, you can check the Evostar 100ED Pro instead, as that one comes with diagonal+eyepieces and is lower priced than the Equinox. Optics are the same.

The Celestron 8inch SCT-XLT with the Advance VX GoTo Mount is also an excellent package for a good price.


Just something to think about.

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Hi - and welcome to the forum!

What are you (and your wife) hoping to get out of the kit?

If you're mainly interested in visual observing, then the 200P is a fine piece of kit and you would probably get away with an EQ5 package.

The 200P is also a good imaging scope, but could be quite a challenge for a beginner - also, for imaging, my experience is that the HEQ5 Pro is the minimum mount needed to image successfully with a 200P. I had this combination for a while, and found that it was right on the edge of the mount's capabilities when you add things like cameras, guiders etc. I upgraded to an NEQ6 and it was fine.

The default advise for beginners in astroimaging seems to be a SW 80ED (short focal length refractor) on the best mount you can afford  (HEQ5 minimum in my opinion) - this would enable you to get pleasing results and would provide you with the ability move on as you progress. The 80ED will still give you loads of WOW! moments with the moon and planets (and the sun provided you add solar filters)

As I've already said, I've had an HEQ5 Pro and an NEQ6 - both great mounts for the money. One of the major advantages of these mounts is that you can buy a Non-Goto version (Syntrek) for about £110 less than the Goto (Synscan) models and you can add Goto using the excellent EQMOD and an EQDIR adapter (I made mine for about £20). True - this means using a laptop to control the mount, but, if you're imaging the chances are you'll have a laptop out there anyway. My Goto handsets have stayed in the cupboard indoors for years now!

Assuming you already have a DSLR - if I was starting out in imaging with your budget, my shopping list would look something like:

HEQ5 Syntrek - £630

SW 80ED - £450

Flattener - £160

T Mount - £25

EQDIR - £28

LP Filter (IDAS is my choice) - £150

Power supply - £50

Then, when you're ready for moving into auto guiding, you could add something like a QHY5 guide camera to the ED80 finder scope or bolt on an ST80 guide scope.

Hope this helps!


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But, in my honest opinion. If Your wife has trouble standing for long periods of time. I would NOT go for a reflector, but rather go for either a Refractor or SCT.

Don´t understimate the size of the 200P and on a EQ Mount the eyepiece can end up in some uncomfortable Places!

You won´t have that problem With a reflector or SCT Scope.

With a Nice adjustable "astronomy" Chair she can sit behind the Scope comfortably.

I was going to say, a Newt on an EQ mount is a bit Rubbish for observing. For myself, it would be a big dob, but then, considering your wife's troubles bending etc, then the above is definitely the way to go. I would keep my eyes peeled on astrobuysell.com/uk for a good used package. Your budget is a pretty healthy one for the used market.

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Hi again - I see my post crossedwith Guillermo's.

I second everything he says - but I think I should point out that, although the 100ED is a very fine visual scope, it is f9 and therefore "on the slow side" if you're considering imaging. I started off with a 100ED and an HEQ5 and moved to a faster, shorter scope almost immediately after starting imaging.

FLO also do this package - http://www.firstlightoptics.com/pro-series/skywatcher-evostar-80ed-pro-heq5-pro.html


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Plenty of GOTO options on FLOs website.  If your budget is ~1500 you could get SW300P on an NEQ6 pro mount new.  If I had that sort of money to spend and not much experience with telescopes (well one out of two isn't bad) I'd buy new and avoid inheriting problems.  The SW AZ EQ6-GT mount looks pretty sweet if you can afford it (dual modes - EQ and Alt-Az) and don't mind the fact that it's heavy and large.  I'm not sure I understand your point about "Mount now needs to work manually .. so Equatorial based rather than azimuth" Dob mounts work fine manually.

Sounds like your wife might just like to come out and have a look once you know what you can show her..  It's your money but you could always get a SW200 dob for a year, keep it in good condition and sell it on and upgrade.  - no good for AP so depends on how serious you are about that - some people just look through their telescopes and are quite happy :grin: I think you can probably sit down for the SW200 dob height.

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Hi again - I see my post crossedwith Guillermo's.

I second everything he says - but I think I should point out that, although the 100ED is a very fine visual scope, it is f9 and therefore "on the slow side" if you're considering imaging. I started off with a 100ED and an HEQ5 and moved to a faster, shorter scope almost immediately after starting imaging.

FLO also do this package - http://www.firstlightoptics.com/pro-series/skywatcher-evostar-80ed-pro-heq5-pro.html


I mentioned the 100ED as it´s a more impressive Scope for Observing. Especially on planets due to it´s longer focal length.

The 80ED is really is primarely an astro photography Scope (and an excellent one at that).

So I think the OP needs to decide what he wants to use the Scope for the most!

If Visual is his primary interest, he will get most out of either a 100ED or an 8inch SCT.

But ofcourse.... that´s just my 2 cents. :)

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I mentioned the 100ED as it´s a more impressive Scope for Observing. Especially on planets due to it´s longer focal length.

The 80ED is really is primarely an astro photography Scope (and an excellent one at that).


So I think the OP needs to decide what he wants to use the Scope for the most!

If Visual is his primary interest, he will get most out of either a 100ED or an 8inch SCT.


But ofcourse.... that´s just my 2 cents.  :)

I entirely agree!

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i think the celestron nexstar 8se would be a bloomin good scope to start off with,

yes it alt-az and goto - but that shouldnt stop you from using the handset manually and learning your way around the sky. You dont have to use the goto function! But then at least you have the goto for when using it with the wife. eyepiece is nice and easy to reach/use and wont be all over the place like on an eq mounted reflector. Plus aperture is king, it will kill a 100mm refractor on deep space objects.

as for astro photo - not my bag I;m afraid - but i am sure it would be a great device for planets and the moon and maybe some of the brighter DSOs. There are some people using alt/az SCTs for imaging in the imaging forum. Plus they hold their second hand value well, so if you really want to get into AP at a later date, sell it and buy specific kit. the constant advice you'll see on here is there is not "do it all" visual and AP equipment. its either one or the other, or you will end up with poor performance at both and lots of frustration.

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i think the celestron nexstar 8se would be a bloomin good scope to start off with,

yes it alt-az and goto - but that shouldnt stop you from using the handset manually and learning your way around the sky. You dont have to use the goto function! But then at least you have the goto for when using it with the wife. eyepiece is nice and easy to reach/use and wont be all over the place like on an eq mounted reflector. Plus aperture is king, it will kill a 100mm refractor on deep space objects.

as for astro photo - not my bag I;m afraid - but i am sure it would be a great device for planets and the moon and maybe some of the brighter DSOs. There are some people using alt/az SCTs for imaging in the imaging forum. Plus they hold their second hand value well, so if you really want to get into AP at a later date, sell it and buy specific kit. the constant advice you'll see on here is there is not "do it all" visual and AP equipment. its either one or the other, or you will end up with poor performance at both and lots of frustration.

The Celestron 8inch SCT with Advanced VX GoTo Mount is a much much better package for pretty much the same price as the 8SE.

Seriously, I don´t know what People have against EQ Mounts. I started with one (Celestron 8inch SCT with the older CG5 Mount) and it only took me about 2 Nights to get the full hang of it.

In my opinion, Celestron should not sell a 8inch OTA on the SE Mount. The SE series should stop at 6inch, as that´s about it what that mount can handle.

Any honest person on this forum, that owns (or has owned) the 8se can echo this.

The Advanced VX Mount is rock solid and will handle the 8inch SCT like a breeze, without constant wobling like the 8SE.

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Seriously, I don´t know what People have against EQ Mounts. I started with one (Celestron 8inch SCT with the older CG5 Mount) and it only took me about 2 Nights to get the full hang of it.

There is nothing wrong with eq mounts but I think every tool has its purpose. A lot of people who don't like eq mounts seem to be visual observers with newts. A newt on an eq mount is just tedious for observing. Much better on a dob base. But for AP or for an SCT/Frac, I wouldn't hesitate with an eq mount as they make life very easy in those circumstances. I use a 10" dob for most observing but also have a smaller newt on an eq for AP, but have just ordered an ST102 as a grab and go and that will definitely be on an eq mount.

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Wow what can I say but thanks for such fast, practical and detailed advice guys.

HEQ5 Pro now has to be my minimum point.

How good are the results through the SCTs compared with the reflectors? I'd looked at AP postings for those and would be v.happy with viewing of that quality.

Med term would be choosing a refractor specifically for better AP

Once we're up and running can sit with cash in hand for a used bargain hopefully.

Again stunned by the quality and speed of response, really helps me buy with more confidence, esp now the outlay isn't just for a cheaper simpler mantoy heh

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Wow what can I say but thanks for such fast, practical and detailed advice guys.

HEQ5 Pro now has to be my minimum point.

How good are the results through the SCTs compared with the reflectors? I'd looked at AP postings for those and would be v.happy with viewing of that quality.

Med term would be choosing a refractor specifically for better AP

Once we're up and running can sit with cash in hand for a used bargain hopefully.

Again stunned by the quality and speed of response, really helps me buy with more confidence, esp now the outlay isn't just for a cheaper simpler mantoy heh

It Depends what kind of AP you want to do?  Mainly planetary or Mainly DSO? Or equally both?

Many will say there is no allround Scope for all and sadly that is true.

But if I had to choose one Scope, then an 8inch SCT Scope comes pretty darn Close to being a good allround Scope.

It is excellent on planetary. You will be impressed with the planetary views you get and on the smaller DSO´s.

If you Upgrade to an dielectric 2inch diagonal with 2inch EP in the range of say 36mm and up, you will be able to get quite a good wide field of view for the larger DSO´s.

It´s also excellent for planetary imaging with webcams and CCD planetary cameras.

With a 0,63 focal reducer you can turn it into a pretty good DSO imager as well.

I think the Celestron 8inch SCT + Advanced VX GoTo Mount will be an excellent Choice. I had the same Scope myself for 2 years with the older CG5 Mount and regret selling it at the time (as I had to take a break due to becoming father for first time).

It´s an amazing Scope for sure!  You will not regret it.

Just give FLO a Call and with a 1500 Budget, you probably will be able to get a very good deal with some better eye pieces and basic starter filters thrown in. At least get something like the Baader Hyperion 5mm. Excellent EP for the price to use on planets.

PS. If you really want the HEQ5 Pro GoTo Mount (and it is an excellent Mount for sure), again talk to FLO. I am pretty sure he can make a good price for the Celestron 8inch SCT-XLT OTA + HEQ5 Pro GoTo. :)

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