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First go at the Rosette


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Had a go at the Rosette last night. Not a good night, very windy and it was going out of view so only managed 18 usable frames. The tracking wasn't great either as the scope had come up to a near perfect balance.

Was 18x180 seconds through a TV85/reducer and modded 1100D. All sitting on top of the LX200 QHY5 guiding through a chopped up ETX80.

I was quite surprised when the first frame came through, enjoyed this and maywell do longer next time.

Any suggestions/hints to help with my processing alwas welcomed.


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That's a nice image and beautifully framed.  The Rosette was obviously popular last night as I just noticed yours when I was posting mine!  But you have managed to get a really nice red colour without over-saturating.  And nice detail showing of the Bok globules, especially without Ha.


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Chris, I had a look at yours, good to see what another level of kit can do, mine's no comparison but I'm happy with the DSLR.

I was thinking of going longer next time, I only had an hour available last night and it was windy, thought I'd rather loose a few subs than most of them.

This one was 180x1600iso I'm guessing 300 secs would go deeper but don't want to over saturate the bright areas.

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