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The progress of Jupiter


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Hey all.

Just thought I'd share my images of Jupiter that I've taken, starting with my first ever attempt, to my latest. It still amazes me that regular Joe Bloggs can take the sorts of images that you can with the right kit. When I was younger, I thought that was only possible with the likes of Hubble!

Here's my first shot of Jupiter, taken 29th of October 2013. Scope used was an AstroMaster 130EQ-MD and I attached my DSLR to the Celestron 8-24mm zoom EP (set at 8mm) and took the pic.


The next pic was taken on 22nd of December 2013. Scope used was a SkyWatcher Explorer 150 PDS OTA on a Celestron CGEM mount. DSLR on 8-24mm zoom EP (set to 8mm). I took about 8 stills and stacked them in Registax. I was quite chuffed I got the GRS for my first time :grin:


Next pic was taken on the 6th of January 2014. Same scope setup, with Skyris 618M and RGB filters. 30s videos and stacked using Registax and processed in PhotoShop.


Next pic was taken on 10th of January 2014. Skyris in x2 barlow, in x2.5 barlow using RGB and IR-Pass filters. Same process as before.


After seeing how that pic turned out, I just had to get a pic of the GRS! So waited later on that night and took this next one. Same process.


If anyone has any advice or tips on how to improve, it'll be appreciated! :smiley:

Thanks for looking!!   :icon_salut:

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Yep absolutely - great progress in under 3 months.........now your addicted...lol!!!

                                           Best regards,


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Thanks guys. Saturn and Mars are next on my list.

Unfortunately I work abroad, so I don't get much time with my scope. As much as I'd love to take my setup everywhere with me, the travel scope will do! lol

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Well done on your progress.

You must have put a lot of thought into every session in those three months.

I would be well pleased with those last couple of images.

Currently I'm getting something like your first image, so clearly have some way to go.


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Thanks for the comments guys :smiley:

Well done on your progress.

You must have put a lot of thought into every session in those three months.

I would be well pleased with those last couple of images.

Currently I'm getting something like your first image, so clearly have some way to go.


You'll be surprised! lol If you're anything like me, you'll be there in no time! It's the hunger to see more that does it. So addictive! The more you see, the more you want to see!

Very nice progress indeed - stunning over this timescale. Should put you in good stead for Mars ;)

typed on my mobile with Tapatalk

I haven't even seen Mars yet, let alone image it! I'm due back in the UK in a week, so I'll be all over Mars and Saturn :smiley:

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Was thinking of making a similar post myself, but your latest pics are a bit better than mine!

I know what you mean about Saturn and Mars - now I've got half-decent Jupiter shots I want the others!

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