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Hello, Another newbie here


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Hi to everyone

I'm just about to get into this stargazing thing.  I'm already into photography, purely from as an amateur, and have often looked up to the night sky and wished that I could take a decent shot of a full moon or the stars or maybe one or more of the planets.

I'm also fascinated by anything to do with space travel and can remember being glued to the TV to watch the first moon landing live.  (Yes I'm that old!!) 

I often try and catch a view of the ISS flying over and have managed to see it several times.

Today I took the plunge and ordered online a Skywatcher Explorer 130P (EQ-2) with various attachments to enable me to hook on my Canon EOS 650D. I so hope I've made the right decision!!!


I also want to to download a decent app to my Android Smartphone to show me what is what and where in the night Sky.  I already heave Google Sky Map, but can anybody suggest anything better?


I look forward to hearing from all you experts out there, and any advice or tips you can offer will be much appreciated.


Glad to be a member .




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I too use a 130 newtonian and a Canon 550d, you can get some decent results with some patience! I assume you're using a t-ring and adapter to connect the camera, just to you're aware I had to buy an adapter with a 2x barlow element as the foccuser wouldn't allow my camera to get close enought to the secondary mirror. If you connect your camera and find you can't focus on anything, this is why. Just thought I'd let you know in advance so you don't panic like I did! :laugh:

And as others have said, SkEye is a good free app on Android. Maybe get a planisphere too, or take a look in one of the astronomy mags for monthly sky maps.


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Hi BrackForrester, welcome to SGL.

I too have an Explorer 130p and I too started out with the EQ2 mount (manual). I've not upgraded the OTA which is brilliant but earlier this year I upgraded the mount to with a pre-loved Celestron SLT GoTo and I'm thoroughly enjoying it while saving for my next scope.

My first success on the EQ mount was finding M57 (Ring Nebula) and then in the same night I found NGC869 and NGC884 (Double Cluster). The double cluster is amazing through the 130p as it's ready to get just the right magnification - not to distant that you can't see anything and not too close that you lose the overall impression. Lovely.

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Sorry, typo in your user name there.

I've taken to using SkySafari which I find truely amazing. I bought the Pro version when it was on special offer so I don't know what features the free and Plus versions are lacking in comparison, but I'd certainly recommend it.

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Welcome to SGL  :smiley:

I to have the Canon 650D You may find like I did that you cant achieve  prime focus with just a tmount & adaptor,

Without using a extension tube, I use my 31mm macro extension tube to achieve focus,

Hope this helps :cool:

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