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Hello from India


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    Im from deep south in India in my 30's. My passion for astronomy started when I was 15 or 16. I made a cardboard telescope with a magnifying glass and microscope eyepiece. Those days only thing I know is to look in to the sky in all strange positions with my crude scope and admire the nature. time has pass my desire to own an scope got fire and ended up buying  Celestron 130Eq on an attractive deal($161.35). during my search for the right (BIG, and Fancy you know what I mean as a starter)  scope I learned a lot of stuff form the net, types of scope, equatorial mount, polar alignment, sky map, etc etc. thanks to the genie call internet and all the selfless members who not only enjoy there adventure but also educate and encourage people like me (LAYMEN).

    My decision to blow Rs.10000(BIG money here) on a telescope was difficult one but I believe its the right one. Many people questioned me on spending money on a scope for viewing celestial objects which can been seen on internet and books, I tell them its better than buying an expensive super duper smart phone which will be thrown to dustbin within few years ( some people do it in months) whereas this is an asset even my great great grand child can use this. Good thing was my parents supported my decision which was surprising to me as they don't know anything about this subject.

     Since my valet is small and astronomical products are very expensive in India I have to acquire many thing through DIY route. I seek your expert hands to guide me and help me through my adventure.




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Nagarajan,  great introduction by the way & welcome to the forum.

I often think Its funny what some people consider as a good use of money, and what others consider a waste.  I am sure your right, your scope will still be being enjoyed for many decades to come.  Meanwhile rare earth metals would have been extracted back out of the current i-phone handsets and put back into the next best handset in the blink of an eye.

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Welcome to SGL, Nagarajan!

Where in south India? We spent some time there a few years ago (Mysore, Pondi, Tanjore,Ooty) and are going back this year for Dussehra in Mysore.

Wonderful country!


Chennai. Capital of Tamil Nadu and Land of ancient Temples. Good to  know you visited Tanjore full of beautifull temple architectures.

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Hi Nagarajan, and welcome to the lounge,

and welcome to this wonderful hobby, everyone here 

in S G L are helpful and very friendly, so anything you

need to know, just ask.

Good Luck and Clear Sky's

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