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Red dot finder Nexstar 6SE problems not yet solved

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I posted on this a few days ago about not getting the red dot anywhere near the target and was advised to use a shim.   I have torn up pieces of card and placed them under the back screw of the two screws (I need to get the red dot further downwards).  I really don't know if I've put the pieces of card in the right place so I've put more and more pieces but it hasn't worked.   It seems to be a lot of money to spend on something that doesn't work very well for many people but also perplexing that it works for others.  

I can't really send the telescope back (and I'm not sure I want to if I can get it to work as it was the one I thought best suited my requirements) as I've used some of the boxes to pack away my Xmas decorations in the loft and written on them in a big black felt tip pen, and one box I'm using as a home for a sick chicken. 

Consequently I am thinking of buying the Telerad finder that is highly recommended on this site.    It would appear you fix it in place with some sticky fittings.  Would these fittings leave a mess on the telescope were I to want to remove them in the future?  I'm thinking that in the future I may get the hang of things and finally in the end get this red dot finder fixed to the 6SE to work.   It's likely I'm struggling so much with the instructions, I'm getting confused and missing important information, similar to the mistakes I make with IKEA build-it-yourself furniture and finally the obscure instructions eventually make sense.


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Part of the problem is that the RDF is not dedicated to a specific scope, with the exception that the WO RDF would hopefully be suited to a WO scope. Most however even if they have a brand on them are very likely to come from a manufacturer in China and so a generic item, many are sold/described as a copy of the WO RDF.

A small plate that has 2 sets of holes in it - one to screw plate to scope and one set to screw RDF to plate - where the plate is slightly wedge in section by say 5 degrees could be the type of thing needed,

Look around the accessories section of the retailers and see if any have a different base for an RDF. I seem to remember that when I bought mine I bought the RDF and a seperate base plate. Are there any astro shops near you ?

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Sympathies to every one.

I used a business card and folded double place under the part of the mount for the RDF that screws on the barrel of the OTA, I put it under the rear to move the RDF down and it worked.

I am in total agreement on the above. You pay several hundreds of pounds/dollars/ickies for the scope and the RDF is rubbish. What is more annoying is that it is hard to find an alternative to fit on the OTA as Celestron did not fit a Vixen style shoe. This I have often said is IMO an error.

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Hello Mooney501

Does this upgrade you suggested fit exactly on the original plate?  I'm going to have one more attempt with card under the mounting plate as suggested by BaggyWrinkle.

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If only Celestron had some expensive auto aligning piece of hardware to go in the place of the RDF :p Yeah, not cynical at all :D

But I too have an 8SE and the RDF used to frustrate me too. Like BaggyWrinkle said, I too crafted a shim to go under the base plate. I used a strip off a relatively wide elastic band. I first align the RDF with no shim and move both adjustment knobs to the middle. I noticed which was the RDF needed to move towards, so if I remember correctly it needed the rear raising and needed a rotation a few degrees counter clockwise when securing the plate. This got me close enough to finally adjust the knobs into the correct alignment. 

After this point I said I will never ever remove it and so I keep it on all the time now as it is pretty much aligned properly, and it actually does a good job, once you get past the smash it into pieces in frustration stage.

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I upgraded my rdf some years ago, more because I found it too bright and splodgy rather than any inaccuracy.

I went for (and would heartily recommend) a Rigel Quikfinder. The base does fix on with sticky pads although I can't imagine I would ever need to remove it.


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I would say that if you've not damaged the RDF in any way then not having boxes should not be an issue. You are returning it as faulty (not fit for purpose) as opposed to returning it because you just changed your mind.

Faulty is faulty.

But I think contact the supplier by phone or email and just ask them what to do. I'm sure they would rather sort it out than refund your money completely.

good luck with it all

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Maybe take a close up (or two) detailed photo of the whole mounting to let us have a look at whst might be wrong?

The only problem I've had with the RDF on my 6SE is the cheap on/off switch/brightness control failing.

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I didn't even bother with the RDF on my Celestron 6SE as I hadn't got on with it on my previous scope.  Just replaced it with my 9 x 50 right-angled finderscope.  Doesn't fit properly as it is held in place with one screw so was a bit loose to start with.  But seems to have tightened itself up nicely now and doesn't move.  One day I may sort it out properly!

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Over the last couple of weeks I have seen many threads re Celestron SE range and RDF's.

Are they a problem with Skywatcher and Orion? Not seen anyone posting with problems on those.

Be interesting as my new ST 120 comes with an RDF....but at least with Skywatcher it is easy to change to an alternative. Pity someone in the bits 'n' pieces market does not come up with an adapter for a 6SE to change over. I know I would...

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Maybe take a close up (or two) detailed photo of the whole mounting to let us have a look at whst might be wrong?

The only problem I've had with the RDF on my 6SE is the cheap on/off switch/brightness control failing.

My RDF which is mounted on my 8SE stopped switching on.  Looking at it with a USB microscope at work it turned out there was a lot of oxidisation on the switch contact and once this was scraped off the switch worked fine. 

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I've got the alignment issues in my RDF sorted. It now points to the same thing as my scope.

I couldn't get it far enough to the right, or down far enough.

So, I loosened the screws that attach the RDF mount to the scope. There's a little play in it, it can be twisted left and right and re-tightened. That solved getting over to the right.

I also put a folded over sliver of plastic between the scope and the mount, at the rear, behind the screws. This pushed it down enough.

It's now well aligned. I just need to get out and try it at night now

Celestron Nexstar 6se


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I emailed Celestron Support explaining my problem and received the reply, "Sometimes the Starpointer in this particular model has trouble going down far enough to align with the telescope.  I recommend taking a small folded up piece of paper and placing it between the dovetail on the finder and the telescope itself.  If you position it towards the rear of the place, then re-attach the dovetail on top of it, the finder will be angeled down slightly and should work well at this point. " 

They don't explain why sometimes it has "trouble" and of course I have no idea what a dovetail is or a rear place but I am going to follow BaggyWringkle's instructions which are now more clear.  I have to wait for a clearer day when I'm otherwise unoccupied.  If I can get it to work, I'll wait for the new StarSense accessory to become available.  But if I can't get it to work, I'll go for another Finder that needs neither holes to be drilled, nor is expensive, while I wait for the StarSense gadget.     Of course, I'm hoping I can get the piece of double card to work.

As for me messing up the cardboard boxes, I don't really want to send the whole telescope back, just the RDF which as it's sold as one thing, I'm guessing isn't possible.  And would a different one, be any different?  

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It's funny how telescopes can cost so much and do many amazing things, viewing the depths of space, yet many manufacturers haven't mastered the art of a well-fitting finderscope/RDF. I've had trouble with mine since day one, it's not the finderscope/RDF itself (I have one of each) it's the holder on the scope that the scope/DRF attaches to/screws onto. I also have to use a piece of card but considering it's unstable, I have to readjust/realign fairly often. It's frustrating especially considering something so logically and mechanically simple can't be manufactured correctly in the first place, but whatever.

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It's funny how telescopes can cost so much and do many amazing things, viewing the depths of space, yet many manufacturers haven't mastered the art of a well-fitting finderscope/RDF. I've had trouble with mine since day one, it's not the finderscope/RDF itself (I have one of each) it's the holder on the scope that the scope/DRF attaches to/screws onto. I also have to use a piece of card but considering it's unstable, I have to readjust/realign fairly often. It's frustrating especially considering something so logically and mechanically simple can't be manufactured correctly in the first place, but whatever.

Very true...

I am amazed that Celestron still have not picked up on this. They should bite the bullet and put on a proper adapter for finders..not keep everything so proprietary.

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I just wanted to add my piece to this debate.

I have a new 6SE and have had no issues with the RDF. Admitted the rear screw is at the end of its adjustment.

I imagine, that in production the mounting dovetail is put in a standard position +/- and never checked to see if the RDF can align correctly, it is therefore a game of chance. Seems a shame on what appears to be a popular scope.

Dependant of what the adjustment needs to be, a thin shim or washer under the mounting appears to be the answer. :smiley:

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I've had a 6SE for a few years. The best use I could find for the red dot finder was to take out the battery and use it in a clock. The Celestron red dot finder is in my pile of unused astro stuff (offcuts of dew shield, old washers, folded cardboard, etc.). It seems quite at home there.

I bought a Telrad and put that on the 6SE. It's great!

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I'm having the same problem, I bough the 130M Skywatcher and a red dot finder came with the telescope, I'm assuming it's the SW RDF. I can't align it with the telescope at all! The target is to the left of RDF and the RDF is on the maximum left , it can't reach it. 

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  • 3 years later...

I know this is an old thread, but I've got a solution to the Red Dot Finder issue... I 3D Printed some more brackets. These were 2mm wider at the rear than the front so in essence lifting the tail of the finder higher by 2mm. I also have 1mm wider versions as well that didn't quite correct the problem I had which was the dot was too high and wouldn't adjust down to the telescope target point. I have shared these designs on thingiverse for anyone with a 3D Printer who wants to print some. If anyone else has issues getting a print sorted out, PM me and I will print a pair out for you.


2017-04-04 22.31.33.jpg

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