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Info on Skywatcher 200p with HEQ5 pro

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I am thinking I may have to admit defeat and that for viewing and astrophotography I may have to go for the above scope and mount, along with a rechargeable battery/power pack.


Before I go ahead and buy could anyone answer any of my probably silly questions?  Thank you sooo much in advance!

1. How heavy is the whole set up scope and mount to move?

2. How high is the eyepiece to view through at the lowest tripod height ( I'm 5 ft so I may need a special step to reach :laugh: )?

3. Would it be ok to keep it covered up in a metal shed outside? If not I will have to move my other half into the shed instead! :wink:

4. Could anyone tell me what the footprint of the tripod is, so I can check it will fit in the shed or maybe under the stairs.

5. Will this then give me a good all-round set up for both visual and AP?

6. How long to set up for viewing?

To some up it all boils down to weight, height and storage!! I don't want to get it wrong and have to fork out more money.

And any other info on this would be really helpful. 

Thank you!! :smiley:


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1. scope is maybe 8 kg  , counter weights 2x5kg , mount is maybe 20kg for an NEQ5 which should be in the same weight class. When assembled you cant carry it. 

2.I am 5ft5 and NEQ5+200p is a bit awkward for me without something to stand on, I end up turning the tube in it's rings to get the eyepiece to point in a comfortable direction

3.I think it should be ok, especially if you have a version with no electronics and you keep the optical tube horizontal so nothing lands and stays on the mirror. Seal the optical tube to make sure spiders dont make nests there. 

4.tripod is collapsable. footprint for an NEQ5 is maybe 3 foot circle when assembled

5.For ap you will need tracking but  you can probably get that as an upgrade. For visual this is a great combination. 

6.once you have done a polar alignment once to setup the altitude of the scope, you can just carry the tripod out , point it north , level it and attach the optical tube. this will take maybe 10 minutes if you are setting up for visual use. For astrophotography you will need to do the polar alignment every time and it will take maybe 5 minutes more. 

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Ah I just noticed that indeed, you are going to get a pro version. That should maybe not be stored in a shed , especially not a damp one. But the mount head is removable and you can carry it inside, the tripod and counterweights dont mind the cold and damp. It also includes tracking so it will be quite great for astrophotography.

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and since you are burning 1000 pounds to get a scope and a mount, I suggest you spend around 200 pounds to get proper eyepieces too, the supplied ones are just very very basic ones. You also want to get a cheshire for collimating the tube. 

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