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Jupiter 9th repro


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A rework of an earlier post from the 9th, was not to happy with the detail & colour balance so decided to give it another go, something to do while waiting for clear skys, ive included the original as a comparative! Thanks for looking!



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Hi Simon,

                  I think I prefer left hand side image. It has plenty of detail and looks better balanced? Just my tuppence halfpenny worth..lol. Both cracking images though.

                               Best regards,


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Very nice images SImon. I think a balance between the two would be good. Detail looks nicer on the left hand image to me but colour looks better on the right. Like you say though we all need some clear skies now before Jupiter gets significantly smaller.


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Hi Simon,

                  I think I prefer left hand side image. It has plenty of detail and looks better balanced? Just my tuppence halfpenny worth..lol. Both cracking images though.

                               Best regards,


I agree with you Ralph, the left hand one looks more natural and less processed, although slightly too green in my monitor.

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HI Sime

I agree with pete, a nice balance between the two should just do it nicely I think. The image on the left as a lovely natural look about it but it does have a slight green cast so I took the liberty (  I know you wont mind) to remove it  with the scnr tool in pixinsite hope you like it?


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