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HEQ5 Pro Counter Weight Bar Extention

Stevie P

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So after adding countless extras to my 200P, Telrad, Dew Shields, Camera, cables etc etc.. Balance became a bit of an issue... Firstly solving the problem by adding an extra weight, but not really being able to hold it securely on the counter weight bar. A new solution was sought in the shape of an 18mm diameter piece of stainless steel and 20 mins on the lathe, by adding an extra 150mm length to the counter weight bar I now can achieve perfect balance, plus I can run the outfit "weights heavy" or "scope heavy" as required. I have attached a couple of pics just for detail.

post-28743-0-40418300-1389894251_thumb.j          post-28743-0-11932300-1389894273_thumb.j


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