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Red Dot Finder on my Celestron 114EQ

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I have found that this seems to be of no use.  I finally found the North Star using a compass, my latitude, and a lot of trial and error.  I found the moon by trial and error.  I can't get my dots to line up, I was wondering if using binoculars would help me find things easier.  I think I may buy a different finder, any suggestions on what I should get?


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dots to line up? I have one of those cheap ass plastic toy red dot finders and i love it. The only complaint I have is that it doesnt like freezing temperatures. The way it should work is that you see one dot and put it over the target and there it is. If it isnt then you find the target in your scope , and adjust the RDF until it is. 

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I used to despise my RDF, but the more I use it the more I like it. 

The first couple times out it was a pain in the neck and I was tempted to toss it in the garbage. By the fourth night out I had it dialed in perfectly. Every object I put the dot on was almost dead center in the EP.

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When did you align it?

It's a bit trickier if you do it at night using stars or whatever. Far better to do it during the day focusing on a distant streetlamp or pylon and take your time 'dialling it in'.

I have a cheapo RDF and had no probs aligning it and may knowledge in these things is extremely low :grin:

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Some people love RDFs, and others can't stand em - I'm afraid I'm one of the latter.  In twilight when you're trying to find an elusive planet (or other object) it wont be any help, you'll just have to wait until it's dark and you can see it.  I'd buy an optical finder.  Having said that, some of my friends think they are the bees knees, so it would probably be worthwhile to try it out a few times first and see how you get on with it.

If you do decide to buy an optical finder, I'd look out for a second-hand one.  If you buy one new on it's own (I mean without the telescope) they are comparatively pricy.

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Align your RDF in the daytime on a distant stable object with increasingly powerful eyepieces to refine it. Watch out you don't stray near the sun though.

Keep both eyes open when looking through it, keep your specs on when using the RDF if you wear them. 

A cheap RDF should work just fine (I got an expensive one and the light is too bright!!!).



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I have had this same scope for over a year and plead with you not to waste any more precious time with the comedy red dot finder strapped to the front end of it. It is the work of Beelzebub. I spent over an hour trying to find the moon at one point and when I did find it it was by accident. I was advised to buy a Rigel Quikfinder which I did and it is the best thing that ever happened to my scope. First time out I was hitting all my targets in seconds! I went for the Rigel over the Telrad as I think the Telrad would be too big for the scope. PLEASE don't waste any more time on the red dot finder!

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the finder on the astromasters  are not to be confused with  your average better known dot finders.

the astromaster finders are PANTS !!  , your doing nothing wrong ,it is the finder that's at fault trust me.

 I bought a telrad  ,but the rigel finder is also a similar product that's just as good.  im surprised celesrton havn't modified that design yet .

until you manage to sort a finder ,use your lowest power eyepiece.

hope that helps.

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I receive a telrad for Christmas but It is way too big for my SLT so it has a permanent home on the Z10. 

I may possibly go to the local gun shop and pick up a red dot rifle sight and put it on the SLT. I'm starting to like the one that came with the scope but it is a bit flimsy and ones made for rifles are a bit sturdier as they have to handle recoil.

Something like this.


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