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First processing attempt

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Hey all,

This is my first attempt at image processing from my first real imaging session.

A few nights ago I popped out to take a bunch of shots. Targets were Orion/Cassiopeia/pointed at Jupiter for a laugh as well as what I thought might be Andromeda (about the only area of the sky that didn't have cloud at the time. 

I neglected to actually check what I was looking at though. Upon reflection I think it might be a section of Perseus but I am really not too sure!

I don't suppose that maters for the purpose of my experimentation :)

Conditions - passing whispy cloud, moon phase was about 80/90% of full (was a few days ago in the Uk) 'twas pretty darn bright. I live in the scottish central belt so I'd say it was small/moderate town type skies, not as bad as City lights. Some light from a security light next door too.

Equipment: Tripod and Canon EOS 700d with a 50mm fixed lens (EF 50mm f1.8 II)

darks: 16 @ ISO800 4s exposure each

Lights 16 @ ISO800 4s exposure each

Bias 39 @ ISO800 1/4000th/s each

The image is what I thought might be a part of Perseus. This is one 4s shot.

I have stacked it all in DSS, then moved it out to photoshop as a 32bit TIFF, converted to 16bit then pretty much followed the tutorials on budgetastro.net which I thought were excellent!

A couple of layers playing with levels in the histogram and one curves layer to bring out a bit of brightness from the stars without lightening the background too much. Oh I also used gradient Xterminator (on the whole image as I don't have any DSO to protect form the tool.

I was playing about with levels and found that there was a circular gradient or a "bloom" in the middle which I guessed was from ambient light (moon etc...) so just applied the gradient terminator tool and hoped I was doing some good ! :)

I think the final image is missing something and it's not quite right but I can't put my finger on it. Not quite focused right? too black? stars not right? is that range of colours normal or are some of them artefacts?

Any recommendations for improving things? I plan on getting a decent refractor scope (SW ED80) and a good mount (HEQ5 pro) and to leave the back garden at some point :)

Sorry so many questions!

example light frame


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