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DIY semi-fixed HEQ5 mount


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Crystal clear outside but I have a stinking cold so I'm confined to quarters.

Here is a step by step on my mount cover.

1. Tripod pointed North and perfectly level. Anti-Exposure camping style emergency shelter thing from pound land secured with giant twisty ties.


2. Holes drilled in patio to stop it moving


3. cheap piece of ply I had lying round cut into a large disc to match the plastic bin opening (see further down). Then cut in half and footprint of HEQ5 head cut into the centre. Holes drilled to take bin-bolts (also see further down)



4. quick lick of primer and cheap old gloss


5. sticky backed neoprene strip from amazon (about £3) on the top and centre join



6. latches to hold the two sides firmly together


7. fits nicely in place


8. bin with bolts in it


9. bolts through holes in base plates, secured with wingnuts and a washer.


Works really nicely. The emergency shelter blanket keeps it nice and dry with a desiccant sachet in it. Setup time is even quicker and it is permanently polar aligned. Polar alignment seems totally spot on and with the holes in the concrete slabs it is mega solid. 

Total cost: about £7.


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