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First go at the Horse head


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First time I've tried this and wasn't expecting much with an unmodded camera 400D. 

There's probably lots wrong but I'm quite encouraged with the image, will frame better next time,

just pleased to have got on target and didn't want to risk messing the focus.

30x300 seconds darks flats & bias 800 iso


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Well done great first effort. This is a much better result that I managed with my 1100d a few nights ago, the subs were not usuable due to excessive noise. If you have the time could you put the unstretched staked file in drop box and we see what you  have there , I think the data is good.



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thanks some nice comments, I'm always open to suggestions and tips to improve.

This might work for the link to drop box, but it's very new to me      https://www.dropbox.com/home by all means have a go with my data, be nice to see what's really in there.

Just been setting up a pc in the obsy today so going to see if things are working and test my new modded 1100D for the first time.

Very windy but got to give it a go. Just poked my head out the door and it's totally cloudy, was lovely an hour before.

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