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Astro prices.


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I recently heard that bobs knobs type screws are available via a astro retailer here in blighty. I thought " great , about time you could get hold of these without having to pay through the nose via the states" although the service was good when I used bobs knobs USA .

Anyway I just come across these on the retailers web site and the price made my eyes pop.

I'm assuming they are being made locally by an engineering company ? Not just a bobs knobs outlet imported surely . Because that's the only way I'd have thought they can justify the price .

Yes I know you don't have to buy them , you have a choice ect ect . But I was just very surprised at the price.

I'm not naming the retailer or prices as I might be in contradiction of sgl coc.

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I suspect they have to be imported Bob' Knob's otherwise there is a legal problem as they are not as advertised. They cannot be Bob's Knob's if made by Kevin in a workshop down the road.

As to cost I assume the prices advertised are for one item (?) in which case I tend to agree they seem costly. However the description says: Bobs Knobs Meade 16" 3 Screw Secondary Collimating Thumbscrews.

Which seems to imply 3 at the cost of £30 (more or less).

Will say that the description by the retailer is somewhat obscure whether the cost is for a set or an individual item. I would certianly check first what the situation is.

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Yeah, well good 'ole Bob can thank me for his Knob business because he nicked the idea from me for the collimation knobs in the first place. Mind, I stopped making them in the end as it got to be tedious, but I was amazed how the business expanded.

The Original collimation knobs:



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