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Problem with my Orion ED80

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Hello everyone, all this is pretty new to me so forgive me if I dont use all the right terms. I recently got a real chance to take out my new ED80 out and put in some real use but I couldnt get it to focus  the stars to perfect circles. I had my Canon 60D attached via a T-ring and 2 inch adapter and when I put it in live view to focus, the best i could focus the star to would make it look kinda like a comet. Half was circle but the other half looked like it had diffraction spikes. It striked me as odd because I read that only happened in reflectors. Every star in the FOV look this way, it wasnt very prominent until I used the "zoom in" feature in live view that it was obvious. The scope is new but it does have a few specs of metal shavings that came off the 2inch adapter from the manufacturer but my local astronomy shop said it shouldnt be a problem. Its maybe two or three specs of metal shavings the size of a crumb on the inner element other than that i'm lost as to what could be causing this. Sorry for the long post, any advice would be helpfull. Thanks

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