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UV Filter / Dust Seal for SCT? - Good to have or completely unnecessary?

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Are UV filters that act as dust seals a wise investment? Or is this one of those things that newbies who are over-protective of their equipment waste their money on? I'd rather not introduce another air to glass surface in the light path, but if this would keep the mirrors clean I guess it could be worthwhile. 

I also noticed that the lumicon brand filter is about three times more expensive than the GSO brand. Does it really matter? I'm not counting on the actual UV filtering to produce any benefit. 

How many of you keep a UV filter / dust seal on your SCTs?

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If it's not stored in dry and clean place then it can be handy. Humid (and dusty) air is not the best thing for mirrors in long term. GSO would do just fine. Caps, eyepieces and other stuff blocking the visual back may also work as a good dust blocker.

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I ALSO suspect a more conventional CAP is better? Upon removal, allows warm / cold air to exchange more quickly - Clears "tube currents" etc. I tend to leave a UV/IR blocker attached to my Video (Web-like) Cameras to stop ingress of dust. Rather Cheaper, optically flat, CLEAR filters are also available for such purposes too... :)

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I don't have one but my scope is stored in a sealed box when not in use, with the diagonal and caps on (only after ensuring it is fully dry).  I can see the benefit if you cannot store your OTA in a dry environment - but other than that I wouldn't put one on my scope, cant see how anything could get in there.  Even when I am using it if I don't have an EP in at the time I put the cap back in so don't leave it open to the elements.

In fact I don't even know of anyone else that uses one?

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