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Another newbie


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Hi everyone another newbie here

Just wanted to say hi and tell you about myself. My name is jason ,Im 39 and live in Taunton. I got my Skywatcher 200p dobson from FLO for christmas and had ago of it on the 27th dec and WOW It was amazing , I need to learn more about the sky and what im looking at but so far so good, I found Jupiter in all its glory and it was amazing ,it was the first time I had seen Jupiter with the naked eye (as this is the first telescope i've ever had ) and it was like finding a little bit of treasure.I know there's lots more treasure to find and im looking forward to finding it.

P.S I know this is my first post but i've been reading post on Stargazers lounge for a few months and i'll like to say thanks to everyone for helping picking the right telescope for me so THANKS

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Welcome to SGL Jason - From Taunton originally myself. Good to have you on board and glad that SGL helped you get your scope! You can download Stellarium, a good planetarium programme to help you navigate the skies, also the book 'Turn Left at Orion' is very good to help you get your bearings.

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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