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Visual Eye Piece and Filter Kits

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I'm looking at buying an eye piece and filter kit and need some help in deciding whether to go with celestron or revelation.

I already own a T-Adapter, which comes with the revelation kit so don't really want to double up, but not sure which would be consider the better kit based on the quality of the eye pieces that they come with.

Any suggestions would be very welcomed



I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=50.743178,-1.748498

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I think the kits are useful to allow you to establish the sort of focal lengths you will find most useful. a cheaper way is to use your scope for a while and decide what focal lengths you are missing and then buy those. you would possibly get better quality but fewer eyepieces that you use rather than lesser quality but more eyepieces some of which you won't really use. the filters won't be worth having other than if there's a moon filter.

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Best advice to give is find a local astro club and go along to an observing session with them - the knowledge I gained from that is unbelievable and you can possibly try a few different EPs before you take the plunge.  Other good news is they will go to the darkest skies in your area so you get the best of both worlds.

Alternatively take a look at the Hyperion Zoom - in a long F/L scope they give cracking views - I use one in my SCT.

As for the filters - yes they probably wont be up to much in that set - take a look at the Neodymium and UHC filters - but I would hold off on those for a while until you have a new EP and have got used to that

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Scope is a Mak-Cassegrain

Moonshine - whats your reasoning re the filters?


I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=50.743167,-1.748491

re the filters, I don't know of many people that like colour filters and you can buy them cheaply at maybe £2-3 each if you wanted to try them. I agree that a Baader neodymiunm in the longer term would be good. don't rush though.

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