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Carry Case

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I live in a very light polluted city and I just received a scope for Christmas. Currently reading up as much as possible and learning to use my scope but there's no better learning than actually being out there. I would have to travel to a dark site but I own a Celestron Powerseeker 80eq and they don't make carry cases for those (that I've been able to come across). Does anybody have any suggestions on a carry case of another brand that might be suitable?


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When I take my 130SLT for a drive I just wrap the OTA in a thick blanket and using the seat belts in the back seat of the car, buckle it in. The mount rides in the trunk.

Do you stick a face on it so you can get in the Car Pool lane?

That's funny, assuming 1. I've understood what a car pool lane is, and 2. you have car pool lanes. Otherwise I'm just sounding massively stupid or at best slightly ignorant :)

Sorry, it's still raining and I'm at a loose end.

I'll go away now.


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Thanks Kirscovitch! I can drive but I live in a major metropolitan area (NJ/NYC) and most of the traveling is done by rail. I can use the blanket when I drive into rural towns of NJ where I can find some pretty sweet dark sites.

Good idea M37 lol We do have carpool lanes in the states but I think I'd have a hard time explaining to the cops that my scope REALLY IS my baby lol

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Yeah there are a ton but I'm not sure which one would fit my scope. I dont own an Orion but I guess if the specs are ok and the scope fits its doesn't even matter brand it is so you could be right, maybe I can just buy one suitable for my size scope.

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