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New Eyepiece for Skywatcher 150PL


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I have a Skywatcher 150PL, and have been thinking about maybe getting some new eyepieces.  I currently only have the 10mm and 25mm that came with the telescope.  I am most interested in planetary observation and have been trying to find out which eyepieces would be the best for this, but the more I read the more confused I am becoming so would really appreciate some advice on eyepieces that would work well with my telescope.  I don't want to spend a fortune, but would rather spend a little more on something that is better quality and going to last than get something cheap that needs replacing in no time.  Thanks

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The Vixen Plossls would be another option. But if it's planetary observations you're after then the shorter focal length plossls do get a little tight on eye relief. The BST Explorers would be another option. Depends then on how much you want to spend.

I like my Williams Optics SPL and my Celestron X-Cel LX for viewing planets with my 'scope.


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I would recommend you to spend more time with your stcok EPs on different objects first, before buying any new EPs. So that you know what you want fro  the new ones. Wider field of view in low magnification? Better eye reliefs? etc.

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If the 25mm you have is reasonable and you can locate planets through it then the 5mm and 8mm BST Starguiders should work in the scope and provide the magnification. Second thoughts on the 5mm it may be too short for the scope as it would give 240x. So if you consider these look at the 8mm first, 150x.

The WO SPL at 6mm would give 200x which may be more usable.

BST's are £49 from Skys the Limit, WO SPL £69 from FLO.

Another option is the Celestron X-Cels at £64 from FLO, suggest the 7mm and 9mm in that one, not sure which first.

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I agree with ronin - my first choice planetary eyepiece was the 8mm BST Starguider x150. Later on I bought the WO SPL 6mm x200. I use the 8mm BST the most because there a fewer nights when seeing conditions are good enough to use the  WO 6mm....it does give very nice lunar & planetary views when conditions allow though. 

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The flatfield 8mm from skys the limit gives a good x150. The best reasonably priced ep is the 6mm Antares Plossl. This gives x200, useful if the seeing is fine. In order to sharpen your view you can remove the small cap from the ota cap and place this smaller hole on the side of the ota opposite the focuser or use a simple SW UHC filter,


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 In order to sharpen your view you can remove the small cap from the ota cap and place this smaller hole on the side of the ota opposite the focuser 


You'll have to explain what I'm doing wrong then Nick!  :grin:

When I stop down the 8" 'scope, the image is fainter and won't take as much magnification.

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Ensure that the stopped down aperture is positioned opposite the focuser. You should get pin sharp double stars and sharper planetary and lunar views. You'll find Newts are planetary killers providing the collimation is spot on. A collimated laser Barlowed is a useful observing check.

High magnification is limited by seeing. This can vary from stable to wibbly wobbly,


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