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Skyliner 200P OTA

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More questions... sorry!

Pretty much decided on the Skyliner 200P Dob.

How easy is it to separate the OTA from the base/stand/mount? I'm thinking storage - probably in the end of the garage, and it would help if I could easily store the two parts rather than one whole assembly. I'll make a dust cover for the OTA!

Another question: The eyepiece/filter set from OpticalVision. I assume it is not really worth getting - the 200P comes with two eyepieces. I already have a 2x Barlow and a moon filter. Comments??

Thanks in advance!

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The 200P OTA is attached to the base with a screw in handle each side (one is a tensioner) - takes about 20 seconds to put together once you have the base in position. Standard eyepieces are 25mm and 10mm. Together with the Barlow this should be enough to begin with. Add more eyepieces as and when you decide. Good choice by the way.


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its as simple and easy as floppygoose describes. I got one this summer and love it. I seperate the base and OTA every time i take the beast out to the back garden or in the back seat of the car to a dark location.

Its a great piece of equipment , i also have a 130p with a synscan goto mount but still tend to us the dob becuse its easier to set up. ive added an alighnment circle to the base to provide azumuth and use a bevel box electronin angle meter for altitude taking readings from a decommissioned smart phone with skysafari i find the dob almost as accurate as the goto and far quicker to set up.

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The supplied eyepieces are adequate to get you going , you will no doubt want to add some eyepieces or upgrade those supplied at some stage , but there's plenty of time for that and certainly no need to rush . You'll get some cracking views with that scope regardless .

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Sneezy24........Hi, Takes seconds to separate the two parts (Why not store the telescope in the box it arrives in, just cover the box with plastic to stop the mice?) I keep my telescope fully attached, upright position, with a plastic cover. Takes up floor space of about 53cm  diameter. Both eyepieces that come supplied will work, but you can get better the field of view ( wider, brighter) get yourself a BST 12mm, that will give you 100x power, if that is Barlowed, you will have a 12mm at 200x power. If you buy the BST 8mm (my first upgrade) then you get 150x & 300x power. Enjoy your new telescope ( when it arrives)

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.......I've not investigated the Sun yet, but adequate filtering is a Must. The dust cap fitted to the OTA has what appears to be two smaller caps? One of those can be removed and placed over the other for storage. You can then cover this aperture with a SUN filter. This also reduces the total amount of Sunlight entering the telescope, but also reduces the aperture. I would also probably use a filter at the eyepiece too, and wear Sunglasses. Probably overkill, but better safe than sorry later?

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