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Hi from Scotland


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Hey everyone,

Warning, long post!

I think I have been bitten by the "looking up at the sky bug"

Started a few years back when I was on holiday in Oman on a beach, with a guide, watching turtles nesting. It goes without saying that the sky was rather dark. In fact, I don't believe I had ever seen such a dark sky before!

After walking around the beach (and stumbling a lot in the dark) my night vision was really good. I was absolutely astounded by what I saw. I had no idea what any of it was but I knew there were a lot more little dots of light than in Scotland's central belt. Back then I knew even less than I do now (which still isn't much!)

Anyway... Fast forward 5 years and here I am.

My main aims for the hobby were originally DSO imaging. The costs are slightly prohibitive for me (I'll need to save for a few months before I can afford a mount and scope to add to my camera)

I have since bought a few books:

Covington's Astro imaging and the brilliant Making every photon count, Turn left at Orion amongst others. As a result of this I have bought a pair of Olympus 10x50 DPS Binos and have been using Stellarium as well as some iPad apps to find my way around the night sky.

Using my cheapo tripod I have been looking at cassiopeia, the Pleiades cluster (stunning!), thought I might have spotted the Andromeda galaxy (but wishful thinking I think...) Had a good look around Orion, including the nebula on his sword (again might be wishful but much more confident of this than Andromeda), Pegasus and others.

All this just outside my back door.

I also have a Canon 700d which I feel will be a decent camera for astro imaging.

I don't think I will be able to resist getting more in depth in the other areas of the forum on the equipment I am looking to purchase. It's a daunting hobby but what would be the point if it was simple?!

Decided to dive into this community because IMO First Light Optics looks like a very good shop (I will be buying all my gear from there) and this community looks to have more of a UK slant than others I bumped into! as well as a friendly bunch of members!

My day job is actually Forum/community management... so I better not break any house rules :p



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Welcome to SGL Zub :)

Check out the Central Scotland Observers Group, a local forum based group who meet at a few dark sites in the area, usually short notice as the weather allows. 

The meets can be a mix of observers and imagers, it will give you a chance to see different visual and imaging set ups to help you decide what kit would suit you best. Google CSOG and it should point you towards the site :)

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