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Moon after a great night - 29 Dec, 2013


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I took this snap of the moon after my best DSO observing session so far. It was a lovely way to round off a night that I won't be forgetting in a hurry :smiley:  But I didn't have any stamina left to look through the eyepiece at the wonderful moon in the early hours! :eek:


I stacked 500 from 2,500 frames.


Dec 29, 2013
Onyx ED80 / Grasshopper 3 (ICX 687) / red filter

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Thanks, Rikki, Shaun and James. :smiley:

Rikkibear, I used Photoshop and Astra Image 4.

James, it is very much false colour, I wanted to try a yellow but that wasn't working out so I went with what I thought suited the details. The patch of sky is also false, some funky things tend to happen to the sky while I process so it sometimes gets filled with some colour.

I am wondering about trying to capture the moon with real colour. Filters on the webcam, or taking a DSLR shot and using that as a colour layer?? Or some exotic filters and real false colour?! :grin:

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