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Clubs / Groups on West Coast of Scotland ?

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Does anyone know of any astro groups/societies either formal or informal on or around the West Coast of Scotland ???

I have tried the web and the local(ish) camera shop, local library etc etc and drawn a blank which surprised me given we have dark skies for miles around (albeit very few people).

Thanks in advance.

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There is a lot of West Coast, where more precisely are you?

Seem to have: Wigtonshire, Ayreshire, Bute, Argyle, Dumbartonshire, Inverness-shire, Perthshire and Sutherland that all have a West coast aspect.

Also Renfrewshire qualifies, along with Kirkcubrightshire, Dumfriesshire

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Other then a 40-50 mile trip each way (Stirling) I think you will have to ask in the Social Groups section for other people in the area.

I suppose there are insufficent in your area to start a club up in Oban.

Could contact groups in Stirling, Glasgow etc as they may  have observing nights that are towards you, and sort of meet up at the observing location, and not get to the talks except occasionally.

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