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Taken the plunge!

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Well, I've finally done it. I've gone and bought my first scope!

On the advice from people on here, I got hold of a pair of binos. 2 years of using them has given me two things, a knowledge of the night sky outside my house, and strong arms! I forgot to mention they are 20x80's and are huge!!!

Now for the scope. I knew what I wanted from the start, after reading a review from a member on here (can't remember his name, but if I do I will send him a thank you) about it. I kept an eye on the price, and for the last two years it's pretty much stayed the same (give or take a fiver now and then) so I knew how much I needed. On Christmas Day I sent my order, fingers crossed by the 2nd of Jan my new baby will be with me.

It's a Sky-Watcher SkyMax-127 Supa Trak Auto. If anyone has one, or has used one, I'd be eternally grateful for any tips/tricks that will make using it that much better. I am expecting a few "WOW" moments. I can't wait!

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Congratulations on your purchase. The 127 mak is a great scope and I use mine more than the 8 inch sct I have. I would recommend either making or purchasing a dew shield to start with. I added a telrad finder to mine which is a worthwhile upgrade over the finder scope that comes with it.

Hope this helps.


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Hey thanks Al. I'll certainly be getting a dew shield. Glad I decided on this scope, we go away to a fairly dark sky site once or twice a year, so this will fit in my boot. Where i live is pitch black at night (as long as next door turn off their light!) with very little, to no LP from street lights.

Just waiting on the parcel!!! 

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