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Skywatcher skyliner 250px goto or other?

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Hi All. I am need of some of your expert advice. I am looking at upgrading my scope, currently using a 4 1/2 inch refractor on a AZ3 mount. While it's been great at learning the sky and giving me some lovely views, I quickly became aware that I was a little bit of a lazy observer and decided a GOTO is a must for me going forward. I love to see the sights but do not relish the search so much anymore. I weighed up the AP route but feel that's a little way down the line for me, although I would like to get some nice lunar shots if poss.

So, with a £1000 budget, I am swayed towards the 250 Dob GOTO. I suppose I would like to know if this is a sensible choice that will give me better views than I can get now, or whether I am overlooking a better alternative.

As always, the knowledge you SGL folk have is invaluable. Thanks.

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No expert advice from me, but I'll do my best.............

Dobs are the best value for visual observations, and as you are contemplating a go-to version, sounds like it would fit your needs.

If possible, I'd get to a dealer with a showroom to see one in the flesh, to judge size & weight are ok for you.  

The Flextube versions are more portable if you need to transport it, although a bit heavier than the solid tube.

All the best with your decisions, Ed.

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Provided there is a light shroud fitted, there is no difference visually between the flex tube and solid tube 250PX's. They use the exact same optics. Without a light shroud you may get some stray light creeping in and spoiling the contrast in the flex tube model but it depends how dark your site is.

I use the manual solid tube version but have had a look through the flex tube model and seen the GoTo function in action on a couple of other models as well. They work very well and I would say that if you want minimum hassle, with GoTo function for visual observing, it doesn't get much better than the GoTo Skyliners. 

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yes they are, but its very basic - wwe're talking 5-10 second exposures. and you cant do more than that, as the tracking although more than good enough for visual - is a bit jerky and nowhere near as smooth as a proper goto eq mount. or at least the tracking n my 300 flextube isnt.

plus you will get field rotation after a while.

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