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15mm for binoviewers?


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Mike, another 1 here for the eyecups, the 20mm that came with the Bino's have fold down (or up) eyecups and really help, the other cheaper way is to put a large dark cloth over your head whilst at the ep's, looks really strange but really works, I observe quite close to the house and always have lights around, the WO 20mm's that came with the Binoviewer are very nice - on their own or with the 1.6 Barlow in line, with the cups up, all the surrounding lights and other distractions are blocked - for me anyway and with x 224, Jupiter - even low down, showed a fantastic amount of detail when the air steadies and on the side opposite the GRS  - barges, white ovals and even contrast in the polar regions.

Not sure how well the supplied 1.6 barlow compares with other binoviewer barlows or Glass path correctors with other brands - but for the price - remember you get the barlow and 2 ep's the WO are a really nice intro into 2 eye viewing - the more expensive bino sets, I think, have slightly larger prisms and come with 3 ep powers built in with the power switch (Denks and Binotron I think) - but this all adds to the weight of the back end of the scope (in an SCT anyway) and with the 1.6 and the 20mm WO ep's I find a very nice image with a large amount of detail to be seen - no internal reflections, no vignetting - just a nice natural image that puts me at the ep's for a long time - even the brighter DSO's hold well - even under light polluted skies.

I would have thought that the package of ep's and barlow would have been tested and for the price and the WO name, quality has not been compromised - remember - a dirty atmosphere and with several pieces of "glass" in the optical train will degrade the image far more than to give us "perfect" seeing -  on the whole a nice package.

I would like to know how the higher powers (>10mm) perform Barlowed and not.     Paul. 

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