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Opinion please - would you return this ES100 20mm, or is this normal?

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Hello all - could use some advice from veterans who have bought many Explore Scientific products. This is my first expensive eyepiece purchase, and I am a bit puzzled over how dirty the rear internal elements looks. I bought this eyepiece new from a reputable online retailer. When I opened it to inspect, I immediately noticed what appears to be residue on one of the glass surface near the back of the field stop. I dont know if this is common and has no effect on the visual image, or if this a bad sample. I'm not sure if the residue extends into the light path, but even if it doesn't, the dirty appearance along the edges makes me wonder if the internal surfaces are as clean as they should be. My instinct tells me that it's not supposed to be like this, so I should return it, but I just wanted to check with the experts to make sure I am not making a mountain out of a molehill...

So what do you think? Is this just how eyepieces sometimes look, or is this the kind of sample you would immediately return.



Thanks for any advice

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Id agree, they arnt cheap and are one of ES 's flagship products so there is no way they would expect you to recieve one of their products in this condition. Any reputable dealer would have no problems with you returning it but id speak with them first and has already been mentioned id send them an email of the photos and copy ES into the email.


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My ES 20mm / 1000 was immaculate and I bought it used so I would not accept yours. ES are promoting "a new world of service and support" right now so it would be a good time to try them out on this.

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Thanks for the guidance folks. ES is sending a replacement. Shortly after receiving this ES20/100 sample, I received a Baader Hyperion Aspheric 36mm, and I couldn't help but notice how crystal clean and clear it appeared compared to the ES. Yes, the ES20/100 is a far more complex and difficult design, but I hope the replacement sample they sends looks as good as the Baader EP. 

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Actually both - an Explore Scientific rep contacted me directly after seeing my post. At the same time, I wrote to the retailer, who contacted ES, and shortly thereafter, another rep e-mailed me and told me that he would be sending a replacement EP and return label. Yes - great customer service. I'll be happy when I finally get the eyepiece

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