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Merry Xmas and how about those WO SPL eyepieces?


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Happy Christmas everyone!! It's been a long day...presents and cleaning up. Phew...! I'm too old for this... :D

Anyway, somebody told me today about William Optics SPL planetary eyepieces. Out of curiosity I looked around they seem to have good reviews. I'm not really planning on getting one of these, but was thinking about apart from a bigger eye hole and relief, how are they different from a regular Plossl or Ortho??


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the fov is close to a super plossl , but I think the eye relief is much longer /comfortable .

ive here they are good. one review mentioned preffering the 12.5mm wo to a 13mm nagler ! 

(Based on this one observing session, the 12.5mm is my new favorite eyepiece. I even like it more than my 13mm Nagler and my friends 13mm Orion Stratus.)

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I've only looked at the moon twice so far with mine - can't say I noticed any internal reflections. Will check it out when I next use the eyepiece, think I would have noticed any if they were there though, especially if they were as bad in yours sound.  Can't recall seeing any mention of them in the reviews I've read either, and I read quite a few before buying the eyepiece. 

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Just used mine for the first time, litterally about 10 feet from a LED street lamp and I did not notice any internal reflections or odd stuff not expected.

Seemed decent close to the edges.

Need to make a shroud for my Heritage to get the best experience I think but pleased with it also need to collimate I think (still not done it).

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I have not used one of these but other than eye relief and larger eye lens I'd imagine the view to be very similar to a plossl. If they are sharper and demonstrate more contrast and scatter control than my TV plossls I'd be amazed. I suppose the main difference other than the ones you asked us to ignore is the focal lengths they come in.

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