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Quick thought on the Sky-watcher Panorama 15mm


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While this eyepiece showed its ugly face in the f/5 10" reflector, last night I decided to test it exclusively in my f/5.9 6" refractor just for the sake of giving it some justice and see whether or not it's worth keeping.

Well, I've had this eyepiece for few months now, but only last night did I use extensively in the 6" frac. So I can tell you this...

While it showed a lot of astigmatism and seagulls around the  outer 30% of the field of view in my GSO f/5 Dob, I was relieved to see it perform very well in the 6" achro. As a matter of fact - perhaps being in a slower scope - it was sharp up to the last 5% of the FOV. Contrast was pretty good and brightness was good. Last night wasn't particularly a good observing night due to gusts and level of humidity in the air. So a final judgement on performance is yet to be made.

It wasn't impressive, but quite good. Somehow I found the eye relief quite comfortable. I never did before...perhaps it was a matter of getting used to it. Am I keeping it? Well, it performs well in slower scopes..so yes, why not?!

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My thought exactly. Somehow it's horrible in the reflector and pretty good in the ''only' slightly" slower refractor. I can't pinpoint why though...

Oh - one thing I forgot to mention. The FOV luminosity is uneven in this eyepiece. It's dark around the center and gets gradually brighter as you move towards the edge. Sometimes it was very apparent that I thought I was on the edge of a galaxy or another bright object, but moving the scope towards the light source showed absolutely nothing and ended up with another fringe quasi-luminosity. It wasn't that annoying though...you can easily ignore it.

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