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Moon Burger - Dec 21, 2013


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The thing I most remember when I took this snap of the moon the other night was that it was very windy and the cover kept blowing off the barbeque that I was set up next to. It made me feel pretty hungry :smiley:

I stacked about 500 frames out of 2,000 and it was a great start to my Christmas holidays, as I was thinking there might be no imaging before X-Mas looking at the clouds, wind and rain predicted! :clouds1::clouds2:


Please click image for slightly higher res.


Dec 21, 2013
Onyx ED80 / Grasshopper 3 (ICX 687) / red filter

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Thanks all :smiley:

Lee, look forward to your video shots on the moon :smiley:

Allan, hard luck with the weather, hope you get some clear. I've been lucky and had three attempts on the moon in the past four days, I've tried a morning shot today with a 7nm H-a filter versus a red filter. I'm due some cloud now I think!! Thought I'd have nothing before X-mas... :laugh:

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Hi Allan,

The image in H-a on the laptop screen while recording looks a bit better to me - more punchy and a bit more steady, though it's a bit tricky to tell with the time required to swap over as I have no filter wheel!

When I have stacked a few in the past, the quality curve has been very, very high in Autostakkert. Whether that means a lot, I'm not sure!...

I hope to post a comparison shootout soon.

Hi Luke, what was the difference in using the Ha filter on the moon.? Did you get an image I can compare.

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Thanks, Tich, you are too kind :smiley:

My mono webcam helps a lot.This morning I got 2,500 frames in a single drift across the chip. I might be overstacking and starting more blurry than I need to. Whatever you did last time was working, a ton of detail :cool:

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If I ever get round to imaging the moon while using the NEQ6 I'll have a go using the planetary cam or DSLR in video mode to try & get some more detail & sharpness. I had a look at Saturday nights lunar image tried sharpening it some more but I were just getting more noise so I'm guessing I needed a lot more frames to reduce it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks all :smiley:

Lee, look forward to your video shots on the moon :smiley:

Allan, hard luck with the weather, hope you get some clear. I've been lucky and had three attempts on the moon in the past four days, I've tried a morning shot today with a 7nm H-a filter versus a red filter. I'm due some cloud now I think!! Thought I'd have nothing before X-mas... :laugh:

Hi mate I've finally managed a few vids of the Moon now I'm stuck.

How do you process them lol?

I tried using the same process I used for planets PIPP, Autostakkert then Registax but that doesn't work.

What do you use?

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Thanks, Richard :)

Lee, well done capturing a video. Where did you get stuck?? And which camera did you use?

I sometimes use PIPP first and centre the moon using that (or sometimes skip PIPP), then into Autostakkert, then into Photoshop and use its Smart Sharpen ('Remove' set to 'Lens Blur' and 'More Accurate' enabled), then sometimes into Astra Image 4.0 (about £20) for more sharpening. I don't usually use Registax wavelets, I haven't got the hang of them yet. Though my other half gets on well with them!

If I can't get stacking to work in Autostakkert, I use AVIStack, which seems a bit more forgiving!

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