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Skies the limit - premium plossl/Meade/Celestron x cell lx

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I'm considering which low power (38/40mm)eyepiece to buy, the above being the likely contenders and I would be interested to know  if anyone has compared or has any comments that might help me or indeed any other suggestions.

I'm fairly new to astronomy and I bought a Celestron 8SE three weeks ago which I haven't had the opportunity to use it yet; and it's raining and blowing a gale again!!

I'm not sure which mid and higher powered eyepieces I'm going to get but I will definitely be getting a 38/40mm soon.

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Thanks for the replies and positive comments regarding Skies the limit plossl,  also interesting about 32mm being the limit for the 8se, I assume that's because it's focal length?

It's not that it is the limit for an 8SE, it's that anything with a longer focal length than a 32mm 1.25" plossl will not be able to show anymore sky (the 1.25" barrel is the limiting factor here), it's only when you increase the barrel size to 2" that there is any point going above 32mm in focal length. By the way, a 24mm 68 degree eyepiece also shows the same amount of sky as a 32mm plossl, as the FOV is limited by the barrel.

HTH :)

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Hi Jonathan - thanks for the explanation which I understand: looks like there is a lot to learn, thank goodness for the forum and members giving good advice :smiley:

No problem, if you're going for a 2" eyepiece, go for something like this:


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I have the 8SE (but now on an NEQ6) and changed the diagonal to a 2" Celestron XLT one - that would be my first purchase before thinking about low power.  The 2" diagonal is superb quality, and due to the focal length of the OTA you do not need to spend a fortune on 2" EPs to get great views.  The extra FOV is well worth it

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