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Opinions on this Bushnell scope?

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None of the eyepieces are very good. But they can be replaced.

The claimed magnifications are best forgotten. It might get to 135x but 625x is a joke.

With the handset pictured I doubt it is a goto. It is too simple, not enough keys in my opinion for it to be usable for that function. Have seen that handset on other scopes so maybe someone else has more information about it. The simple Meade's had a more complex handset and they didn't have enough really for the job.

Bushnell simply badged other makes and that is I suspect a Celestron/Skywatcher.

The Bushnell NorthStars I can see in a single search are not 645mm focal length but 900mm focal length and are I believe a spherical mirror. I am also therefore wondering if the person has measured the tube length and therefore is the scope a Bird-Jones design. The images manage to show little information, as in what is written on the actual tube.

It does look very much like a 114mm dia and 900mm focal length. So the information is not right if it is what I think.

Personally I have too many doubts to spend £120 on one myself.

Equally I have 4 or 5 scopes so wouldn't consider that model, the Meades I have are smaller but do what I want without problems, which makes a different viewpoint.

There is something about that handset, just cannot recall what it is.

For some reason I think the scope is goto but the handset is not, and I think I read of this on the ETX-90's that Meade sold at one time. Meade did badge a single arm mount.

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Found this,

the current 4.5" goto northstar


Not many reviews for it but if it were me, I'd avoid... considering the 5 star review is:

 "I rated this item with 5 stars because it arrived on time, however, the box had a big hole in it and I was a little worried that the telescope inside might be damaged ... it was not, thank God! It turned out to be a valuable item to my husband."

I think a talking refractor would become rather annoying too... 



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No Problem Benny, that bushnell really got my alarm bells ringing for some reason :)

Not sure what your budget is or what exactly you are looking for in a scope, but if you open a new post and write down what you would like your scope to have / do, there are lots of knowledgeable people here who can give great advice.

Now IM NOT suggesting this telescope would be suitable for your needs.. i'll leave that to more experienced members,  but as an example of whats out there, new for 30 pounds more: 


Good luck and clear skies to you



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