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Which lp filter for QHY8L?


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After doing a bit of searching I have decided to invest in a decent 2" light pollution filter. I have looked at the Astronomik CLS & Hutech IDAS. I understand that the qhy8l has a infra red cut filter fitted to it so believe that I need a filter without ir cut?

The Astronomik CLS comes with or without......easy! But what about the IDAS P2 or D2? Flo website says the D2 is optimised for osc or unmodded dslr, so does this mean it doesn't have ir cut?

Which is the best filter for moderate lp with the qhy8l or nikon DSLR?

Little bit confused now:-\


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Apparently the Hutec P2 is superseded by the D1 which sounds the business for OSC now. I used the P2 with my 1000D OSC & it worked great. Widely regarded as the best LPF. I wouldn't expect problems filtering "twice" I do it by leaving the P2 in front of all my mono/NB filters.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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