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Binoculars labelled 11000x90


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Last week whilst  on holiday in Grand Canaria I saw a pair of binoculars for sale  labelled 11000x90 Sentz Optics. I asked the shop owner how many times they magnified, he had no idea. 

Trying them out I found them to be low  magnification ultra wide angle binoculars. I was told that they were  priced at 35 euros, I offered 30 euros, an offer which was accepted and walked out with my new binoculars.

After a few minutes surfing the internet I found them to be Chinese Hioptic BHE8304 4x22 super view binoculars with Bak 4 prisms a 17 degree field and  independent eyepiece focussing.( Do not purchase the focus free version of these binocs.)

Testing them out at night stargazing, I found them to  produce a unique image. The 4x magnification gives a stable shake free view . The ultra wide angle view gives an image which is relaxing to observe and  also allows me to watch the flare path of meteors easily.  The brightness of the view, the ease of use and the lack of chromatic aberration are all excellent. As usual the full field of view is not available to spectacle wearers.

The Popular Astronomy website forum rates these binoculars, under the name Dowling and Rowe, as the best very wide angle binoculars availale

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I've been trying to find a pair of the Dowling and Rowe wide angle bino's for ages, as you say they have very good reviews (cloudynights etc). I've been in touch with Monkoptics as they are the last known sellers of these but they can no longer get them. I'll have to see if I can track down a pair of these now.

Thanks Mel

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That advert is a gem. I like the fact that they give real images too, not the imaginary (or complex) ones many other binoculars give :D

It is curious to see 4x mag at an apparent FOV of 68 deg.

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I wonder if that is the fix-focus one. There are no details to be found in the description (beschrijving). At 6 euro I suspect they are fix-focus, but maybe not. I spotted an option to buy 20 of these for $135 or so through AliExpress, so they are cheap as chips, and the ones listed here are listed under occasions/special offers

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BTW, I couldn't resist sending a query to fotoprisma.nl. If it is an IF version, I think I have a spare 6 euro somewhere :D

you weren't the only one :grin:

I guess they can expect flood of enquiries from UK now ...

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The reply I got from Björn at FotoPrisma.nl about independent versus fixed focus was:

"... We cant make that up because its also not on the box.
I tried to manually focus with both sides and that did work..."

I am not sure whether it means that it is fixed or independent focus, so I will definitely wait for michael.h.f.wilkinson report.

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I also got a response from Björn, and it suggests that the EPs do allow focusing. I have asked whether the coatings are indeed the blueish (or should that be buleish) colour shown on the photo (and not the horrible ruby coatings). If so I will order one (or be wild and get one for the kids as well :D). I will report my findings shortly, I hope.

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so I guess in UK it will be £26 :evil: ?

later edit - oh no, I was wrong .... actually it is £60 :grin:


I'm afraid this is an old link, I enquired six months ago regarding these and Monkoptics can no longer supply them. I did point them to these links as a possibility of restocking but have heard nothing since.




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BTW, I couldn't resist sending a query to fotoprisma.nl. If it is an IF version, I think I have a spare 6 euro somewhere :D

Yes Id be very interested to find out what theses are like, in the meantime I've just ordered some of these as they also rate as OK for very wide angle bino's, up until last week these were priced at £45.



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