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BST 12mm


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I love the 15mm, I think probably the 12mm is much the same.  In the skyliner with that sort of focal ratio I expect it to hold up rather well off axis too.  I still love the nice contrast,  dark background and clear images the BSTs provide to this day, having sampled a few more expensive items I can say I am still in no rush to upgrade that 15mm of mine any time soon  :smiley:

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As good as the x- cel lx e/p's you already have . I've used x-cels and bst's . Liked them both and they perform almost identically . Only difference is price . Only my opinion mind. The 18 and 12 mm bst's superb .

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I have  a bunch of those BSTs but with a different name. they seem to be made by the same manufacturer but they were sold to me as "TS ED". the 12mm is the best of the pack and very sharp. 5mm is softish. 25mm is ok, not excellent but ok. Tested in F5 and F4.9 telescopes so they can handle fast scopes pretty well. 

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As others have said, for the price there is no better new ep. The bst's are excellent value for money and give great views. Nice sharp detail and dark backgrounds. Highly recommended. You can't go wrong.

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Late to this but the 12mm and 15mm are both really good EPs. You will not go wrong. They rarely come up to buy secondhand and you need to be fast when they are (I was lucky to get a used 12mm), but that means they hold their value well should you buy new.

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I have the 12mm dual ED eyepiece and compared recently to an 11mm TV plossl.  The plossl might have had an edge early on, but the oils from my eyelashes quickly spoiled the view.  Therefore, if I plan on observing for longer than five minutes, the 12mm is superior.  I have had this eyepiece for about a year now and haven't had to even touch the lens once.  Great eye relief.

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