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WO ZS 66 SD moon/planetary


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Hi, I cant help you directly but i am very interested in this thread having a WO ZS71 but no eyepieces at all.

The SN magazine did a review of the ZS 71 in the december issue and mentioned high power visual observing i would imagine some of that relates to the 66 sd too.

If you dont have the magazine there is a copy of the review on the FLO website in the WO ZS71 section.

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I had the same scope for quite a while, it's very capable given its small size.

I used a few different eyepieces for high power, including a 3 to 6 Nagler Zoom and a 3.5 type 6 Nagler. The main point is that I found somewhere between 4mm and 3.5mm to be around the optimum for high power/planetary viewing ie from around x97 to x110 perhaps up to x120. I think a 6mm or longer won't give enough magnification so would encourage you to consider the higher powers at around this level, in whichever brand you choose to suit your budget.

Although you have to work at it, I managed to see the GRS and shadow transits on a number of occasions with these eyepieces.



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