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Let's see your lunar transits!


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I posted a similar thread in the solar section - I always love to see airplanes transit the moon when I'm imaging. :smiley:  Let's see what you've got! :laugh:

Anything counts that was between your camera and the moon: aircraft, planets, birds, space station, etc. Here is my one and only processed effort so far:


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Hi Anthony

It was shot with a DMK41 camera at 15fps so I had about 20 frames with it on, tricking bit was driving 10 miles at 3am on a winters morning to get to a site in the middle of nowhere to catch it. I have shot solar transits with a DSLR in the past which are relatively easy as you know to the exact 100th of a second when it's going to occur so you just start shooting a few seconds earlier. I use the Calsky website to predict the transits which I think is far better than heavensabove.


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OK here's mine, another ISS lunar transit.


How often do satellite/ISS lunar transits occur?  Would definitely be a fun challenge to attempt something like that.  I checked the Calsky website and it doesn't show anything soon in my area, but I'm assuming that's normal.  Are we talking once a month, once a year?

I know, I'm full of questions.   :grin:   Everyone here is just full of information though so I try to soak up all I can.

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