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Mak vs Frac

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Go for the frac. They look great, they work great, they ARE great!

Seriously, in our lousy sky conditions you will get better results, quicker from the Frac. CA will be pretty much a non issue at F12, and mounting is not a problem if you use a good quality dovetail and rings on a half decent EQ4 up mount.

I've owned several Maks and really like them, they are easy to use. But the cooldown period til thermal stability is achieved is a real pain and they are much more subject to humidity, dewing etc than a frac. My Intes M603 scopes would be great in the Arizona desert, in the UK you'd be lucky to get 4 or 5 nights a year where they could give of their best.

If you really fancy the Mak, I'd emigrate first! :grin:  :grin:


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You really wouldn't go wrong with a TAL100RS, just great quality for the money.

I was using a Skywatcher 120 last night and it's a pretty decent performer, no CA on the Moon which surprised me, just let down by a not great focusser, I'd still choose the TAL though. 

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First light optics are a highly recommended scorce of these scopes, Martin gives them the once over before he sends them out too.

Thats an important point. Having recieved three TAL's direct from their factory, I can really see that a dealer would want to check them over before they get into the customers hands.

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Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this thread, I've learnt a great deal about the pro's and con's of both scopes. Personally I feel the tal100rs would be more practical, but I can see myself ending up with both types long term.

Cheers guys

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  • 3 weeks later...

my new toy Celestron/Vixen 90mm f14.4 (F=1300mm ) refractor is stunning performer planetary wise.Literally no false colour at all on moon and gives superb crisp views on it.tried it on Pleiades and was gobsmacked.nice pin sharp stars and lovely pitch black background.

Scope will be undergoing "surgery" in january when new focuser arrives so the scope can accept 2" eye pieces as at the moment only 1.25" can be used,but with Ethos its  breathtakingly good.Small plastic surgery will be done in a few days time to lift up the visual looks of the scope ;)

so if back to topic frac or mak,its frac for me any time. Maks are great,but cooling time isnt.Frac takes only a few mins if any and its ready to go.And there is something magically magnetic to these nice old looooong focal length fracs.every on wants one,not every one has one and who has one,wants another one :D

Heh - looks like you've got the bug, Dude! ;)


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