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Zhumell z12 vs. Orion xt12i, the intelliscope issue and considerations

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Hey and good day.. I have decided to go DOB for now. I want big aperature. I would love to have the intelliscope feature of the Orions, however a few things bother me about the Orion.. Single speed focusser, NO 90 degree finder. The clutch mount on the zhumell by all reviews on this board and others are superior as in glass smooth so to speak. And now zhumell has improved the azmith bearings and are adjustable on top of it. Zhumell comes with a laser collimater, 90 degree finder. oh what else, oh yeah nice 2" eyepiece. BUT the Z12 does not have the intelliscope option which I really do want and is the only thing stopping me from purchasing the Zhumell. Is there a reasonable fix for this if I purchase the Zhumell. Are there clean alternatives that dont' cost an arm and a leg. Am I falling for negligable "positives" for the zhumell verses the Orion.. I understand optics are a wash.. Please help me parse this data and come to a decision I can be happy with.. thanks


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I have a 6" and 8" Orion Intelliscope, as mentioned by Peter (CV), it is more straightforward to mod the Orion than to create an "intelligent" Zhumell. I find the Orion Intelliscope function to be very good in operation.  :smiley:

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I also will be getting a DOB for the same reason. I don't have one yet but everything I have read leads me to  buying a Zhumell. The optics are great, has a built in coolling fan, stock eyepieces are decent, and if you get the upgraded package you get a telrad, amazing eyepiece and filter kit. So when I am ready I will be ordering a Zhumell Z10.  The reviews are all great. the only thing I have read about the Z12 is that the primary mirror springs are sort of weak for such a big mirror, but easy to replace with better ones.  On telescopes.com I noticed the prices just went donw also!  So knowing too much about the Orion my vote would be buy the Zhumell.


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I have the GSO/Zhummell 10". Alt/az motion is just beautiful. I hear lots of talk about the primary springs but mine keeps Collimation very well. I added circles but rarely use them. I find if I get the angle right with the Wixey then I get very near using my Telrad. Love that scope

Good luck


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Hey Barry,, I am a Barry too.. lol..

I am now getting torn..  In my area(couple hour drive) there is a Discovery Premium DHQ 12.5 that is in mint condition. I can get it for about the same price as a new z12..  Apparently hand finished optics, then with the Non-particleboard base, a real crayfords(single speed) and some other goodies. eyepieces, filters. laser collimnator..  BIG HEAVY tube.. but thinking I might just cut it in half and make it portable..    Any experience here with the Discovery scopes.. I have heard nothing but good things about them, minus a few complaints about the spiders.. besides that... ???   and of course, making it a goto scope is not easy,, but I don't know if that is really a deal breaker for me. While I love the idea of having the ability to find things quickly.  I notice even with my small dob I spend time going inch by inch through the sky anyway to look at everything and hunt for faint objects.. That darn issue, just never seems to go away.. lol

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Again, Discovery scopes are rare this side of the atlantic so you many not get a lot of feedback on them here.

From what I have read about them on forums such as "Cloudynights" I feel that they are probably in a different league, at least optically, to the Zhumell and Orion 12" scopes previously discussed. 

You got some good responses on this scope from the folks at Cloudynights back in September:


Personally I'd go for quality every time.

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Hello..  Yes I believe I am going to go for the discovery.. You said it..  in another league..  for the cost I just can't go wrong.. I plan on making it a two piece tube.. and who knows might put DSC on that baby some day..    all the research has shown this has got one kickin mirror....   the tube is great but heavy, and then the stand.. so much better than particle board.  He is holding it for me so I can scrape up the bucks.. 

Thanks for the input accross the pond..  

all the best star hopping..    to you all... 

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