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Baader Hyperion Zoom for 12' dobsonian?


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Being new to astronomy after getting my son an Astromaster 130 last christmas, I plunged in feet first and have got myself a second hand 12' Dobsonian. Now i was looking at getting a Baader Hyperion zoom for it  but after reading up in forums i'm now unsure as i read it is 'soft' in large apertures and a narrow FOV. Currently i have the stock 10mm and 25mm and barlow that came with it. i also have a 5mm BST Starguider.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated as it is a lot of money for me.

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Hi. I suppose you have to weigh up pro's and cons regarding the Hyperion zoom . The one advantage is using the low power to locate your chosen objects and then simply alter the magnification until you get a desirable view, all without faffing about swapping eyepieces. Yes the low power does give a bit of a tunnel vision feeling , but the high end is ok.

I would ask yourself how you use the scope ? If you use it mainly at home and don't intend traveling out to darker skies then perhaps you might prefer a few fixed focal length eyepieces. On the other hand if you want to take the scope out a lot to observing spots , then a Zoom would make a simple travel set up without needing a flight case of glass.

I can't say personally how well it performs in your scope, I used mine in a f/6 , 8" and I found it sharp across the whole field of view . I really liked using it on the moon , zooming in and out on craters at will.

Eyepieces are as you so often see written on the forums , are personal and what one person adores another hates. I sold my zoom in favour of fixed focal lengths , I wasn't keen on the narrow fov at the low end. I also didn't find it as comfortable to use as other e /p 's I'd used.

Again that's my personal thoughts.

In your shoes I'd get another couple of bst eyepieces to go with your 5mm. They are excellent value for money.

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